"Mama, i'm hungry,"
-Zahara, The Flood
Zahara is a newborn Golden brown zebra foal that resides in the back lands. She is Dhahabu and Kondo's daughter as well as a member of their herd. She is also the princess of her herd and the back lands.
Zahara was born different from many zebras. Instead of a black and white, a brown and white, or a gold and white coat she has a dual coat. Her front half is golden yellow which she inherited from her mother. Her back half is dark brown that she inherited from her father, Kondo. Zahara, being a newborn, is small in comparison to other zebra foals. She has brown eyes. Zahara has three diamond shaped spots under each eye. Her hooves are black.
Being a newborn, Zahara is curious and playful. She is very sweet and is often calm. She loves her parents and often stays around them.
The Golden and the Brown Zebras[]
Zahara is first mentioned by her mother to her father that their going to be having a little foal. Throughout the episode Dhahabu at times, nuzzles her belly whenever she felt Zahara kick to calm her down.
The Back lands Migration[]
After a rockslide, Dhahabu's herd must move to a different part of the back lands as their home had been destroyed. They first go through the grove and soon end up in a new grazing ground. During the end Dhahabu feels Zahara kicking and nuzzles her belly, saying it's almost time for her to be born.
The New Foal[]
Dhahabu and her herd are grazing. Dhahabu and Kondo go further up into a forest like plain to graze. Dhahabu is grazing, when she starts feeling contractions. She then tells Kondo that their foal is coming. Kondo gently helps her over to a rocky and shady spot surrounded by tall grass. After assuring him she'll be okay, Kondo runs back to fetch Marini the herd's healer. After fetching her and taking her back to Dhahabu, Kondo goes back to the herd to graze. After a bit of breathing and pushing, Dhahabu gives birth to a baby girl.
After running back and telling the herd, the zebras come to see their queen and her new foal. Making their way there, Marini tells them that the foal might be a bit surprising. Once getting there Kondo makes his way to the front. He, along with the rest of the herd, get a look at the newborn foal. Dhahabu gently nuzzles her baby in order to wake her. After opening her eyes the baby gently nuzzles her mother's face. She then gets a glimpse of her father and all the other zebras.
The foal tries getting up. and after a few tries successfully (and wobbly) manages to get up and on wobbly legs walks over to the herd. They notice that her coat has two colors: golden and brown. After stating she's beautiful and nuzzling her, Kondo asks what her name is. Dhahabu tells him that her name is Zahara. Zahara then goes to her mother for a drink of milk.
The Flood[]
Dhahabu and her herd are grazing when it starts to rain. Knowing that Zahara can't maintain her body heat yet, the herd is forced to take shelter in a cave. After coming out they notice a part of their grove has been flooded. They then make a long migration back to their old grazing grounds.
- Like her mother, Zahara is a different type of zebra: She's a golden brown zebra.
- Zahara inherited her father's eyes.
- Despite being a newborn, Zahara can already talk a bit
- Zahara was born a week early.