Young Love is a story by PrinceBalto.

Kion and Fuli officially become boyfriend and girlfriend a short time before the Guard is formed
This is a major moment in my series: when Kion and Fuli first become romantically involved, a big moment in my story, as they were best friends from the time they met as babies until this point. This is slightly before the Guard came together. In my version, Fuli was Kion's best friend prior to becoming his girlfriend. She still is his best friend as well.
Fuli didn't expect anything out of the ordinary that day
Just a simple visit with her best friend Kion
Little did she know that in a single moment, everything would change
She arrived at the spot she and Kion would meet
Their meeting began as usual, with the usual friend talk
Then, some time later, the truth came out
Fuli's beautiful green eyes go wide
She learns that Kion has had a crush on her for a bit
She was silent for a second
It caused her to admit the truth to herself
She had been crushing on him as well
Kion is overjoyed by this revelation
He suggests that it may be time to take their friendship further
Fuli agrees
She wanted nothing more than to be in love with Kion
She reached out and touched his nose, mirroring what she had done when they met
She then sped off, encouraging him to chase her
Oh what fun!
A new and different romance had dawned