You Filled Your Heart With Love is a story by PrinceBalto.

Kion and Fuli talk after he comes to
This is set in the immediate aftermath of A Cheetah's Shame and is in Fuli's POV. Kion is sad that he was unable to stop Scar and the Outlands Coalition, but Fuli is there for him. The title is taken from a lyric in the 2016 Shakira song Try Everything, heard in Zootopia, though with one slight lyric change.
Kion was back on his feet after that horrible incident
However, he seemed gloomy
Gloomy about failing to beat Scar and nearly dying
I went to comfort him, as I always did
I couldn't stand to see the Tetrarch of the Pridelands like this
This was not the Kion that I knew
I snuggled up next to him
He seemed thrilled to have some company
I tried to tell him that it would be all right
I also tried to soothe him
Look how far you've come
You filled your heart with love
My love, you've done enough
Take a deep breath
Don't beat yourself up
No need to run so fast
Sometimes we come up last but we did our best
A short time later, he smiled at me
The light was returning to his eyes
Yes, he had filled his heart with love