The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Wawindajii belongs to The Rootbeer Queen. He is the firstborn son of Kiara and Kovu.


Wawindajii is very respectful and sweet. He is very patient, and rarely angry. He is overall good natured and happy. He's very perky and playful, and always finds time for his friends and family, despite him often being busy preparing to be king. He's very protective of those close to him and will do anything for them.  


He is mostly a darker brownish color, although his fur ishe much brighter than his fathers. His mane is a darker brown, about the shade of a dark chocolate brown. He has an outlander nose, and his eyes themselves are green.


Kiara: mom

Kovu: dad

Pippi: sister

Samaki: sister

Vitani: aunt

Fuli: aunt

Upendi: cousin

Mamba: cousin

Kaka: cousin

Duma: cousin

Dada: cousin

Haraka: cousin

Nuka: uncle

Dotty: aunt

Zana: aunt

Litho: uncle

Spotty: aunt

Kion: uncle

Jasiri: aunt

Mkali: cousin

Nyota: cousin


Mkali: good friends

Nyota: good friends

Upendi: good friends

Mamba: good friends

Kaka: good friends

Duma: good friends

Dada: good friends

Haraka: good friends

Oregano: good friends

Rikki: good friends

Bungalow: good friends

Lindo: good friends

Cage: good friends


  • He has no crush at the moment.
  • He loves spending time with young cubs, and will play with them often.
  • He loves all of his family, and even respects his grandma Zira when he learns about her.
  • He loves making friends
  • His name means 'Hunter' in Swahili

Stories he appears in[]

Cub trouble

