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Princess Vitani is a member of Simba's pride. She is the daughter of Queen Zira and Kondo, the half-sister of Prince Nuka, the wife of Prince Kopa, the mother of Princess Timira and Prince Avito, and the bravest member of Kopa's Lion Guard.
Vitani is a gaunt, muscular lioness with tawny fur and a paler muzzle, underbelly, and paws. Her eyes are violet-blue. The Mark of the Guard is imprinted on her left shoulder in red.
Fiery | Stubborn | Independent | Sarcastic | Confident | Determined | Blunt | Crude | Impatient | Responsible
Ages (human years)[]
- 9, 11, 17, 19, 22
Birthday and Sign[]
June 20, 1998; Gemini
- Her catchphrase translates to "into action".