A special released for Mother's Day, which will be on (5/14/13).
Thank you, all kind mothers ^^

Written by: Caldafox
Vitani and Kopa waited a little while to have cubs, but eventually they did. Two cubs were born to them, one boy and one girl.
Their parents decided to name them Safiya and Nuka II (after Vitani's brother). They both resembled Vitani's late mother and older brother, but Vitani could eventually, mostly, move past this.
Vitani was eager to jump back into her Lion Guard duties as soon as her cubs were old enough. Kopa would take over the caretaking of the cubs until Vitani was done for the day.
Her Lion Guard was waiting outside her cave. "Glad to see you're back, Vitani." Kasi smiled. "I'm sure your cubs will be fine."
"Yeah, Kopa can handle them while I'm gone." Vitani said. With that, the group headed out.
Only a little way from 'Tani's cave, however, they heard a commotion behind them. The lionesses turned around... and saw Vitani's daughter running toward them! Her father was trailing behind her.
"Mama!" Safiya said, upon reaching her mother. "She wants to be with you," Kopa smiled, reaching the group. Nuka II was riding on his back.
Safiya nuzzled against Vitani's legs, causing the Lion Guard to say, "Aweeee...."
Vitani was slightly embarrassed, but she instead of showing it, just patted her daughter. "Kopa, I thought you could handle the cubs while I'm gone!" Vitani turned toward her mate. "As soon as she saw you leave the cave, she bolted out after you." Kopa explained. "She must have bonded with you really well during the three weeks you stayed with her."
Safiya looked up and smiled at her mother. "Yes, but I have to get back to work." Vitani said. She picked up her daughter by the scruff and handed her to Kopa. "I'll be back in a few hours." She said. "Oh alright," Kopa said, smiling at his daughter. She looked longingly at her mother, who then proceeded to head out with the Lion Guard.
When Vitani got back to her cave that evening, Safiya was overjoyed to see her. She again proceeded to bound up to her and rub against her legs. "Was I really gone that long?" Vitani asked her mate.
"Well, patrolling the Pride Lands and settling disputes usually takes a fair amount of time." Kopa reminded her. "Safiya just probably really enjoys being with you."
Vitani had grown up in the cruel Outlands, so she wasn't as used to being pampered and given affection. Even when Kopa first starting liking her, she hardly knew why. Thankfully, though, she had been treated very kindly by almost everyone since joining Simba's pride.
The same routine began to happen. As soon as Vitani went off for the day, Safiya would want to follow her, and when she got back, the little cub would follow her mother around everywhere. Soon, the slight embarrassment went away, and Vitani began to enjoy her daughter's constant presence.
But as she grew up, Safiya became more attached to Kopa, while her brother became more attached to their mother. Nevertheless, Vitani and Kopa loved their cubs both the same, and immensely.
Vitani watched proudly as her daughter grew into a sweet and kind-hearted young lioness, always looking out for the benefit of others. She loved how close Safiya and Nuka II were, and how they never argued. Safiya even became the Keenest of Sight of the mini Lion Guard that Kovu, Kiara and Vitani had allowed in the Pride Lands.
Although Safiya probably forgot about her early days of following her mother around, Vitani never did. She cherished her daughter's affection and fondness of her parents. Even after a horrific incident occurred, in which Safiya nearly lost her life, the young lioness forgave her parents rather easily. She was always under their watch and loving care.
But one thing did surprise Vitani: the fact that her daughter fell in love with Haki and Asani's cousin, Naba. Those two troublemakers had caused a lot of trouble in Vitani's early days of leading the Lion Guard. But their cousin was not like them much at all; thus, Vitani and Kopa soon realized that the considerate and thoughtful Naba was a great match for their lovely and innocent Safiya.
Vitani and Safiya's love for each other never ceased. Even when she was angry, Vitani's heart was full of concern and love for her daughter.