,,Ushari's brother, Kisasi is killed by a hyena clan. His older brother swears to the scavengers, "bloody revenge," and goes alone to the Outlands to find his killer and get revenge with his death''.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There was a beautiful sunny morning in the Pridelands.
Kisasi was going on a hunt. He just crossed the border of Pridelands. Suddenly hyenas attacked him and tried to kill him. Cobra tried to defend herself, but he could not make it and the hyenas killed him. Then they abandoned his body on the border and fled.
Ushari went in search of his brother and found his body, furious swore to the hyenas of revenge: "Hyenas, whoever killed my brother will share his fate if I get her !"
A two days later, the funeral of Kisasi took place.
The day after the funeral of Kisasi , Ushari, driven by revenge, went to Outlamds to find his brother's killer. When he saw one hyena, he sneaked behind her and shouted furiously: "Murderer !!!".
The shocked hyena turned to the snake. Ushari gave her a furious look.
- Sorry, snake, but you made a mistake with someone, I did not kill anyone- said the scared hyena
- You killed, my brother, his name was Kisasi, you definitely killed him, he was killed a few days ago, and I'm here because I'm looking for his killer - said Ushari
- I understand, but I did not kill him, maybe a different hyena did. I'm sorry, hyena said
Furious Ushari threw himself at her and wrapped himself around her neck and began to tighten more and more tightly, whispering in her ear:
"If you do not say who killed my brother, you will share his fate!''
The terrified and stifled hyena began to run out of air. The scavenger began to beg the snake to spare him.
- Save, save, I'm begging you, don't hurt me !, please ! I did not kill him and I do not know who did it, I swear! - screamed terrified hyena
- Talk to other hyenas. Learn which of them recently killed a cobra- said Ushari
- Why do you care about finding the killer ? - asked a hyena
- Kisasi was my brother, I loved him, and some blood-thirsty hyena killed him!, Understand ?! - shouted furiously snake - I made him stay, I will not let him rest, I will not avenge him, and that's what I intend to do - he added
- But what if I do not know anything ?- asked the scavenger
- Try to find out, if you find out, meet me on the edge In Outlands tomorrow, morning- said Ushari and slither off