The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Urembo Meadows is a location in the Pride Lands.


Urembo Meadows is a large expanse of meadow filled with sweet-smelling yellow flowers and lush green trees. A few trails weave through it, and rocks of various size are scattered about. When floodwaters sweep through the area during the rainy season, a section of higher ground is all that remains, with pieces breaking off frequently.

History []

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Kion and the Lion Guard patrol Urembo Meadows, and Nguruma and Amira soon join them, bringing news of the Pride Lands Games.

A Fragile Hope[]

The Lion Guard patrols Urembo Meadows until they return to Pride Rock to hear from Simba.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

After finishing a patrol in Mekundu Cliffs, Mhina suggests a patrol in Urembo Meadows, and Kion agrees. Before they can head over there, Anga informs them that Reirei's Pack and Janja's Clan are going after Rafiki and Makini at Mapango Cliffs, and they head there instead. Later, the Lion Guard and their allies patrol Urembo Meadows until Anga reports that Kiburi's Float is attacking Kuuma and Mahuluti at Lake Shangaza.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Nguruma recalls how Mahuluti would take him to Urembo Meadows to stargaze.


