Written by: Caldafox

Malka wasn't happy when Tama, Tojo and their mothers came to stay at his pride when they were kicked out of theirs. He wasn't used to sharing attention with other cubs. Before, he had been the only one the lionesses babyed and coddled. Now everyone was admiring these newcomers! His parents were more busy, and he was jealous. Whenever Tama and Tojo asked to play, Malka shooed them away, but in a sort of "nice" way.
After 2 years, Tama and Tojo were grown ups, and they felt led to return to their own pride. Their mothers were gone, and they had served their purpose.
Coming up to him, Tama said, "Bye, Malka."
"Goodbye, Tama and Tojo." Malka said to them. "Have a good life." He was being nice, but not fazed at their departure.
"Maybe you'll visit us sometime?" Tama inquired. "Maybe," Malka replied, with a small smile.
The pair was off, and Malka's pride watched them leave. He was the first one to go back and do something else.
After they left, the hunting squads often looked around to see if Tama and Tojo were nearby following their departure. But they never saw them.
Most figured this was a good thing. The two lions probably found their way back to their pride.
But - what if they didn't? What if somehow they never made it back? Malka felt convicted several months after Tama and Tojo were gone. The more he thought about it, the more he felt he had to venture to Simba's pride and find out himself. He'd been there as a cub before, so he knew the way.
Malka made it to Simba's pride and reunited with Simba and Nala. He was going to look around for Tama and Tojo... but got distracted by a beautiful lioness named Vashti. When he did find Tama and Tojo, he was too distracted to express his relief that they made it home. It was obvious, after a while, that Malka's visit would be longer than planned, and he wouldn't be leaving alone.
Malka and Vashti became mates. Vashti bid her pride a farewell and said goodbye to all her friends. She would miss them dearly, and her role as a huntress in the pride. But once she got settled in Malka's pride, she soon established a huntress role there, and had three sons with Malka. As a gift of appreciation, Malka and Vashti frequently visited Simba's pride, taking Afua, the middle son, with them. He befriended Prince Kopa, and was sad when he ran away.
Years passed. Malka and Vashti's sons grew up. They often came to visit, but other than that Malka and Vashti had much time together, with Malka's parents as well.
One day Malka's pride was in an uproar. The clouds grew dark and the sky faded into gray. "What's going on?" Vashti asked Malka's mother.
"A rival pride has been spotted entering the Pride Lands, and it appears they are out to attack Simba's pride!" Malka's mother replied.
"Oh no!" Vashti cried. "I have to help them!" Malka, appearing beside her, answered, "But Vashti, it's dangerous out there! It's going to storm soon, and who knows how strong the rebel pride is."
"I need to help them," Vashti told her mate. "Simba's pride was my first family. They treated me with kindness during my time there, and they helped you also! I can't just stand nearby and watch them suffer."
Malka exhaled. "Do what you think best." He told his mate. "Please be safe, and please come home."
"Of course I will," Vashti smiled. She and Malka nuzzled, before she bounded off towards the Pride Lands.
Malka watched her leave. "Please be safe..." he repeated to no one.
Vashti hurried to Pride Rock just in time. The lionesses were moving out. She quickly moved into the line, barely noticed by anyone.
Nala walked beside the group. She turned to her left and noticed a freckled lioness amongst the others. "Vashti!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to help you!" Vashti replied. "I'd never abandon my home pride in a situation like this. You were all so kind to me."
Nala smiled, the last she would until the war was over. "Thank you for coming," she told her friend. "I think we need all the help we can find."
Vashti assembled with the others and stared down the Outsiders. She watched in disgust as Zira ordered her followers to attack, and the battle started.
"Go for the eye!" Zira yelled to a lioness named Digger. Digger swiped a paw across Vashti's face, and she roared in anguish. But she continued to press on despite the pain.
Simba's daughter, Kiara, and Zira's son, Kovu, showed up in the climax of the battle and convinced Simba it was better for the two prides to reconcile then keep fighting.
Vashti watched from the right of Kovu as the Outsiders considered the offer. Vitani was the first to speak up.
Zira's daughter? Like she'll be the first one to switch sides, Vashti thought to herself. But she looked on in surprise when Vitani stood beside her brother and told her mother, "Enough."
Thankfully, the battle ended with peace between the two prides, after Zira fell to her death in a rushing river. The whole long time, Vashti had stood her ground and fought with courage. She was there when the two prides shared a roar of unity. She even smiled at Digger, forgiving her for the slash during the battle.
Malka paced about as he waited for Vashti to come home. When she appeared over the hill, he ran up to her and they shared a loving embrace.
"How did it go? Is everything okay now with Simba's pride?" Malka worriedly asked.
Vashti replied, "Everything is fine. The Outsiders rejoined Simba's pride! All is forgiven."
"That's good news," Malka said. "Let's tell the others." They walked back to the pride, tails entwined.
About 1 1/2 years later, Afua heard of Kopa's return to the Pride Lands. He wasted no time in going over to visit him, having been more serious ever since his best friend left.
But while he was there, he met a lioness named Spotty... and it was obvious he would be staying longer than expected.