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The Lion King Fanon Wiki

So many of them are injured... is that Saumu on the ground bleeding?
―Ullu reacting to the battle between Reth's Pride and Saumu's Pounce

Ullu is a female owl that resides at the Tree of Life. She is Jivin's majordomo.


Ullu is primarily white, with gray patterns along her chest, wings and head. She has blue eyes and a small, dark gray beak, and two white feathers on each side of her head. Her talons are dark gray with black tips.


Ullu is shown to be a helpful owl, warning the Night Pride whenever there is a potential threat to the Tree of Life.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Ullu arrives in the Pride Lands a day before the Pride Lands Games, along with the rest of the Tree of Life delegation. The next day, Ullu competes in the games, and goes fourth for the Tree of Life in every challenge. Like Ono, she struggles to wade through the waters of Lake Shangaza in the swimming challenge, repeatedly coughing. She fares better in the other challenges, scoring three points in the stone throw and five in the stick toss.

Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]

Ullu attends Kion and Nguruma's birthday celebration.

A Fragile Hope[]

Ullu has informed Simba and Ajani that Jivin is sick and the Tree of Life needs more healers. When the groups reach the Mountain Pass, Ullu and Kenene greet them, and she leads everyone to Jivin. She announces to Maya that she has brought the other healers. Later, Rani suggests that Ullu can tell the families of the other guests that accompanied the healers that they'll be staying over for the night.

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Ullu attends the Royal Summit.

The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Anga reports that Ullu and a party from the Tree of Life has arrived at the watering hole, and the Lion Guard escorts them to Pride Rock. There, Ullu mentions that Jivin has come to speak to Simba regarding the Outlander attacks, and she heads inside the den. Soon, she settles outside the den, nodding when Jivin asks if everyone is ready to go home and saying that they're ready. She then flies off, following the king. Later, as part of the Tree of Life delegation, Ullu arrives in the Pride Lands in order to hear urgent news from Simba, who wishes to have them escorted to Pride Rock. Kion and the Lion Guard take them to Pride Rock, and Simba leads then inside the den to discuss.

Unbeknownst to them, Shupavu and Njano have reported their presence to Scar, who deems the news interesting. When Simba confesses that Scar has returned, the delegations are shocked and share glances with one another. Some time afterward, Ullu is one of the animals gathered outside the Tree of Life to hear Jivin's news that Scar has been brought back. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Ullu is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Shortly after, Ullu is one of the many birds in Hadithi's bird army that attacks Reth's Pride at Rocky Plateau. Later, Ullu participates in the final battle for the Pride Lands.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Ullu, along with Rani, greets the Lion Guard and their allies at the Mountain Pass. Rani then leads them through the pass to see Janna. Upon arriving at the Tree, Ullu flies inside, settling on a ledge. Once Jivin informs Janna that he and a few other Night Pride members are doing the day patrol, they head out, with Ullu following. Shortly after this, Ullu brings Kingiza to Rani and the Lion Guard at Ciso River. The next day, Ullu flies up to Nirmala at Dirisha, informing her that Rani needs her. Her presence startles Kion, who falls into the river, and emerging, he asks about what's going on. Ullu frantically explains that Reth and his pride are here; shocked, Nirmala wonders how they got here, and the owl thinks that her and Cara sleeping made the pride get past them. Kion questions where Reth's Pride is attacking, and Ullu names Marsh Forest and the Tundra. While she and Nirmala rush off, Kion stays at Dirisha to complete his task. Upon arriving at the battlefield, Ullu flies off to help Fuli and Mhina fight Reth, Slash, and Alasiri. After the pride retreats, Ullu and the others approach Kion and Mhina. Later, Ullu flies up to Jivin, reporting that all is clear. Pleased, he allows her to rest, and she flies off.

Shortly afterward, Ullu observes an army of predators entering the Mountain Pass, and she follows them as they invade Winter Woods, advancing toward Cek's Flock. Ullu decides to inform the Night Pride, flying up to them and the Lion Guard at Desert Plains, reporting that predators are attacking the tahrs. She adds that the predators are made up of leopards, komodo dragons, a binturong, a porcupine, and a monitor lizard. Anga questions where the attack is, and Ullu mentions Winter Woods, causing everyone to rush off. During the battle, Ullu helps the others try to fight off the predators. Following the battle, Rani breaks apart Kion and Mhina, demanding how these predators bypassed Ullu and Cara. Meanwhile, in the Pride Lands, Nala notes that they haven't heard much about Kion's healing progress, even though Ullu gave them word that he and his friends arrived at the Tree of Life safely. Later, Ullu listens to the tale of how the Tree of Life was discovered. Some time afterward, Ullu flies up to Jivin at Bamboo Woods, reporting that all is clear and peaceful for the day.

After Reth's Pride attacks Saumu's Group, Ullu and Cara are drawn to the battlefield by the cats screaming, and Cara shrieks that they are in trouble. Ullu agrees, noting that so many of them are injured and becoming startled by the sight of Saumu bleeding on the ground. Her apprentice nods, stating that they must warn the Lion Guard and Night Pride at once, and they fly off. Upon meeting with the patrol at Ciso River, Rani questions what's going on, and Ullu blurts out that Reth's Pride is attacking Saumu's Group; cats are injured, bleeding, and retreating from the fight. Cara adds that if no action is taken, lives will be lost. Mortified, Rani orders Anga and Baliyo to find Kion while she leads the patrol to the battlefield. Later, Baliyo mentions what Ullu told him about Rani being unable to stop staring at Kingiza. Just a short time after, Ullu and Cara notice the army of predators attacking in two different locations and warn the Lion Guard and Night Pride. Rani asks about who is being attacked, and this time, Ullu reveals that Makucha's Leap is going after the elephants and golden wolves in Bamboo Woods while the komodo dragons are targeting the Amur leopards in Winter Woods. Quickly, the Lion Guard and Night Pride split up to tackle both situations.

Later, Rani says that if the predators had bypassed Ullu and Cara last night, they would have known it. Meanwhile, Ullu informs Janna that they have a visitor, and requesting to see who it is, the owl leads a leopard inside. He introduces himself as Orji, explaining that he is Makucha's brother, sharing valuble information on him and his plans. Janna grants him permission to stay at the Tree of Life for as long as he wants, and Ullu flies up to him, stating that he can stay in Marsh Forest for the time being. As they head there, they hear voices, and wondering what's going on, Ullu flies up. She notices Mama Binturong and her army of predators, Makucha among them, and she reports her findings to Orji, who asks what she heard, but she replies that she didn't get close enough to hear anything. He says that this is their chance to see what they're planning, and the two rush to the Mountain Pass, hiding behind a boulder. Upon hearing that the predators want to overthrow the monarchy, Orji whispers that they have to do something, but in the process, he accidentally gives them away. Chuluun shrieks that they're spying, startling Ullu out of her spot. Both try to run to the Tree of Life, but Fahari attacks Orji, and while she tries to flee, Mama Binturong pushes Ullu down, ordering Smun and Spike to trap her with their quills.

Mama deliberates on what to do with her and Orji, and seeing him fight Fahari, Ullu thinks about what she can do to escape, noting that her wings are of no use - but her head is. Spike tells her that she's useless, to which she retorts at him to watch her, rotating her head a full one hundred and eighty degrees. Horrified, he and Smun accidentally let her go, and telling them to see her, she flies off. Orji also flees from Fahari, and knowing that she can find help on her own, he rushes to find his brother. Ullu swiftly finds members of the Night Pride and warns them that Mama Binturong is on her way with her full army of predators, and Jivin says that they'll warn Janna of what's going on, ordering her to inform the Lion Guard and Cara. She soars off and manages to warn the Guard and her accomplice. Following the end of the war, she and Cara fly over to the Lion Guard and Night Pride. Weeks later, Ullu gathers outside the Tree of Life to bid farewell to the Lion Guard, Makini, and Nguruma.

Trivia []

  • Ullu is voiced by Vyvan Pham.