Mhina-esque leopons are often tannish in color, and have pale orange or tawny spots. They are brave, caring, and willing to protect those they fight for in battle.
Other Leopons[]
Messenger Leopons - These leopons like to hang back and deliver a message to the royals or others. They can usually be identified by wearing a diamond necklace on their neck.
Playful Leopons - These leopons are often small and have an excited expression on their face.
Cub Leopons - These leopons are very small and often communicate in squeaks.
Temperament and traits[]
The easiest way to see the Tumaini Pride is seeing a large group of lions and leopons together. Their pelts are usually tan or an exotic range of colors compared to a lion pride or leopard leap. Members are partially timid, but are friendly, trusting, creative, thoughful, and skilled beings. They can fight and work together well.
The Tumaini Pride's origins can be traced back to Hekima and Zamani's rule, in which they formed the pride to unify the leopons as a group, but also as a form of protection for Leopon Plains.