The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives.
Proverbs 11:30

The Tree of Life is a place where injured animals go to receive healing. It is ruled by King Kion and Queen Rani and protected by the Night Pride.


The Tree of Life holds many environments/biomes, likely because of the wide variety of species that visits and lives there. Some of those biomes are snowy mountains with wintery forests, waterfalls, rivers, large trees, grass plain, and savannah. It also holds ponds and lakes with fauna around them.


See also: Night Pride (Caldafox's Fanfics).


  • Many animals come here to receive healing from injuries or relaxation, as one can take their mind off their problems in this peaceful place.
  • Kopa and Vitani's wedding was held here.
  • The Tree of Life is located in Asia, possibly near India.
  • It is the only place where several biomes come together.
  • The Tree of Life is likely based off the Garden of Eden from the first 3 chapters of the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.