The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Tree Of Life is a location ruled by The Night Pride where animals go to heal and live in peace. It appears in very few media.


As Makini described it,The Tree Of Life is where animals go to heal and be safe. The Tree Of Life owns a few nearby biomes created with the magic within the tree. Its headquarters are large series of caves underground that can be entered under the baobab tree, thus its name. Most of the healing takes place there.


The location has a tree in the center, where underground is caves. The caves are dark with green, lush plants. Around, there are several biomes.


The Territory-Claiming[]

Shortly after The Night Pride was founded, the territory was officially claimed.

The Attack Of The Polar Bears[]

During and near the end of Anada’s reign, polar bears were attacking as they were not welcomed. It was a misunderstanding for both the Night Pride and the polar bears, it was because the Eclipse Pride was rivals with the Evil Lions, who had polar bears as minions. During the two battles, Anada was killed during the first battle and Sahasi shortly died after.

Map of ToL


The Tree Of Life is still owned by the Night Pride and has Rion and Rani as it’s rulers.

