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Tojo's mother was a female lion. She was the mother of Tojo.
An outspoken opponent of Scar and his reign, Tojo's mother openly rebuked the new leader of the pride shortly after Mufasa's death, causing the banishment of her, Tojo, Tama and her mother. The group found shelter at Malka's pride, and Tojo's mother served there until she succumbed to starvation.
Physical appearance[]
Tojo's mother resembled Sarabi, but with less square features. She had dark ear rims, and the inside of her ears were brown. She was tannish-beige in color with red eyes, and a dark magenta nose. Her chest, muzzle, stomach and paws were paler.
Outspoken, brave and defensive, Tojo's mother held a strong loyalty to Mufasa and the lion pride. She hated Scar with a passion after the drought in the Pride Lands started and was appalled at his way of ruling. Even as she lay dying, she encouraged her son to fight against Scar, and revived Tojo's loyalty to his home pride in his heart. She was fierce, loyal and concerned.
- It can be assumed that Sarabi and Tojo's mother were acquainted, because their sons got along so well.
- Tojo's golden coloring and blue eyes likely came from his unknown father.
- Tojo cherished his mother greatly.
- Although Tojo's mother never lived to see it, Scar's reign ended shortly after her death.
- She was strongly built and a good hunter.
- Her sisters were Tish, Adea and Sofi.