Tigers are animals that appear in The Lion King franchise.
Tigers are carnivorous species, as they live by hunting other animals for food.
The tiger is a four-legged species about the same size as the lion. Most have their main pelt consist of orange fur, while some are purple in color. Their stripes take up many parts of their body, including their faces.
Most tigers have a mane-like growth of white fur around their necks, jaws, and whiskers. Some also have small rounded ears, while others have pointy ears. The tiger’s chest and paws are lighter in color than their main pelt.
The Siberian tiger, native to Russia and China, lives in broadleaf and mixed forests as well as snowy areas and Korean pine forests. It hunts deer, boars, wapitis, gorals, hares, and rabbits among other large and small prey.
Appearances in Fanfiction[]
Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes tigers, add it to this list.
Tigers on the Wiki[]
All tigers on the wiki can be found here.
The Lion King Fanon Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Tiger. |