Tickbirds are birds that appear in The Lion King franchise.
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Tickbirds are well-known for their partnership with rhinoceroses. While the rhinoceroses allow the tickbirds to eat the ticks off their backs, the tickbirds stand in for the rhinos' poor eyesight and guide them visually.
Tickbirds are small, thin, crescent-shaped birds with elongated beaks and thin legs. Their feathers consist of varying shades of brown, with lighter color along their chests and necks, and darker color on their tails and wings. Their eyes are rimmed with yellow, and are generally colored either black or red. Most tickbirds have yellow beaks with red tips.
Appearances in Fanfiction[]
Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes tickbirds, add it to this list.
The Lion King Fanon Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Tickbird. |