The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Orphans
Air Date
September 4th, 2018 (original)
September 18th, 2020 (re-release)
Episode Guide
A Celebration in the Pride Lands

The Orphans is the first episode of Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands.


The Lion Guard helps a group of orphaned lion cubs find a new home.

Transcript []

It was a peaceful day in the Pride Lands, and the Lion Guard was patrolling Nyani Grove.

"Everything is fine here. Ono?" Kion called to his keenest of sight.

"Sure thing, Kion!" Ono took the sky at once.

Using his sight, he scanned around, and noticed a situation at Chakula Plains.

"Hapana!" The egret was in distress.

"Ono, what's going on?" Kion said.

"Janja and her clan are about to attack Thurston's Herd at Chakula Plains," he frantically replied.

"Lead the way, then!" The lion cub replied back.

"Affirmative." Ono took off into the clouds.

"Till the Pride Lands' end, Lion Guard defend!" The Guard took off. Meanwhile, at Chakula Plains, the zebra were unaware that Janja's Clan was slowly sneaking up on them.

"Ha-ha! This will be too easy." Janja was cackling as her clan began chasing the herd.

"Panic and run! Panic and run!" Thurston's words triggered the zebras, who began running away.

They continued running, but suddenly found themselves blocked by Big Ravine. Janja's Clan approached them.

"It's over now, zebras!" Janja licked her lips, prepared to grab a meal.

"Not while we're around, Janja!" Kion screeched as he shoved the hyena into the ground.

The rest of the Lion Guard arrived on the scene.

"Zuka Zama! Get away from them, Janja!" Bunga began to attack her with Kion's help.

Kion hit Janja, causing her to fall to the ground again.

"Huwezi!" Fuli sped toward Nne and Tano, bowling them out of her way.

"Twende Kiboko!" Beshte slammed into Cheezi and Chungu, sending the hyenas flying.

"Janja! As I keep telling you, stay out of the Pride Lands. You and your clan are not welcome here!" Kion stated powerfully.

He then used the Roar of the Elders, sending the hyenas flying, before checking on Thurston and his herd.

"Are you guys alright?" Kion asked the zebras.

"Yes, we are. Thank you, Lion Guard," Thurston commented.

"You're welcome!" Beshte replied.

"Come on, herd. Time to head back to the grazing grounds." Thurston called as he lead the herd back to Chakula Plains.

"Lion Guard! To the lair!" Kion said.

The Lion Guard was walking to the lair when a noise was heard from a nearby bush. Bunga looked down, startled to find that he had stepped on a lion's tail.

"Ouch!" A male lion called out from within the bush.

"Who said that? Show yourself!" Bunga commanded.

The bush shook as the Lion Guard watched with apprehension. They prepared for whatever was about to emerge, but were surprised to see a lion cub step out.

"What did you step on my tail for?" The cub said, glaring profusely at Bunga. "I was trying to take a nap!"

"We're so sorry, young one. It was an accident." Kion replied.

"I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Hanisi," the cub said.

"And I'm Kion," the leader of the Lion Guard explained. "We protect the Pride Lands from danger. Bunga stepping on your tail was a complete accident."

Bunga smiled. "Yep, it was!"

Hanisi let out a snort. "Well, don't let it happen again, okay?"

Three other cubs, another male and two females, appeared next to him.

"Hanisi, what are you doing? Are you giving these animals trouble? You better not be," the male lion called out.

"Mbita, this honey badger stepped on my tail while I was napping!" Hanisi complained.

"Do you two know each other?" Beshte asked.

"Yeah." Hanisi replied. "This is my brother, Mbita, and my sisters, Banou and Nyimbo."

He pointed toward his siblings one by one.

"Nice meeting you all," Ono said to the siblings.

"Why are you lion cubs out here all alone, without your parents? Someone like Janja could potentially harm you," Kion asked the foursome.

"We had a mother once. But she died of illness, and now we have to fend for ourselves," Nyimbo explained.

"I'm so sorry. That's horrible to go through." Beshte stated.

"We know. But we don't have a place to call home," Banou lamented, a faraway look in her eyes.

"Aren't you guys starving?" Ono inquired.

"There's not much but small reptiles out here, and they aren't filling," Mbita explained. "They taste weird."

"Zuka Zama! I know a place where you can stay!" Bunga suddenly called out.

"Where?" Hanisi said.

"You can stay at Pride Rock with the Royal Family! I'm sure they won't mind, right, Kion?" Bunga asked.

"I guess so. After all, it doesn't hurt to ask," Kion pondered. "Let's give it a try."

The Lion Guard took the cubs to Pride Rock. At the base of Pride Rock was Mahuluti, who was sunning herself.

"Mahuluti? Where's Kovu, Kiara, and Nguruma?" Kion asked the leopon.

"Oh, they're spending time with Simba and Nala right now," she said.

Mahuluti suddenly noticed the cubs behind Kion, and smiled warmly at them.

"Hey, who are these lion cubs? I haven't seen them before," she asked Kion.

The cubs assembled in alphabetical order from left to right. Kion called out their names one by one.

"Sweet! It's really nice to meet you cubs," Mahuluti said, delight in her eyes.

Hanisi approached the leopon tentatively. "It's nice to meet you, Mahuluti," he said. "You do have a nice name."

"Thank you very much, Hanisi," Mahuluti replied.

Kion smiled.

"I'm gonna go out on a solo patrol for a bit. Can you watch over the cubs while I'm gone?" Kion asked.

"Sure, Kion," Mahuluti replied.

Later on, near the end of the day, Kion returned, and found his family inside the den.

Mahuluti ran up to him, looking ecstatic.

"I have some great news, Kion. Hanisi and his siblings are allowed to stay as long as they wish. Nguruma and Kiara have really bonded with them," she explained.

"That's wonderful, Mahuluti." Kion said.

"Come on, Kion, let's go inside. Nyimbo is about to recall some jokes and stories she learned," Mahuluti said.

"Okay, we will." Kion said. He and Mahuluti ran inside Pride Rock.







  • This is Ava15's first fanfic that she posted on this wikia.
  • In the original version...
    • Kion had a crush on Mahuluti. This was removed due to Kion being with Mhina and Mahuluti being with Nguruma in Ava15's other work.
    • Mansa kisses Mahuluti's paw and flirts with her, but this was removed and replaced with Hanisi greeting her politely.
    • Kubariki appeared and talks to Kion when he gets upset over Mahuluti being affectionate towards Mansa and not him, but this scene and Kubariki herself were dropped from the re-release.