Rani: Today is Layla Min Hakim. I've participated in it, but I've never hosted it.
Baliyo: You'll do fine! It's no different from participating.
Nirmala: Besides, Makini will be doing a lot of the announcing.
Bunga: What's that?
Rani: Layla Min Hakim is a celebration. It's really fun. There are five events.
Nirmala: It's mostly celebrated to honor the lioness, Layla, who founded the Tree of Life.
Surak: Indeed.
Kion: Sounds interesting. Could we help with anything?
Rani: There's nothing to do, really. We just need to wait for sunset.
Surak: Which is soon. We should be ready for animals to arrive.
Kion: Who participates?
Rani: Everyone at the Tree of Life and when we have visitors, they do. Azaad comes every once in a while.
Fuli: He does?
Rani: Yes, he does.
Nirmala: Perhaps we should go to the Tree of Life...animals are starting to gather.
Makini: There you are! I found out that Azaad is coming.
Rani: Great, Makini. Let's begin. Most animals are here.
Makini: Welcome to the start of Layla Min Hakim! We will have our usual events...(later) and the first thing is the gift exchange! Hope you all brought gifts.
Bunga: Here Kion! I got a--uh--fruit!
Kion: Thanks, Bunga. I guess I have grubs.
Bunga: Unbungalieveable!
Fuli: Aren't you a carnivore?
Kion: Well, yeah. But still. Accepting gifts is--
Fuli and Kion: The right thing to do.
Fuli: I know that, Kion.
Makini: The next event is the race. Anyone willing to compete can line up.
Fuli: Azaad?
Azaad: Azaad sometimes comes to the celebration.
Fuli: I heard.
Makini: And ready? Go!
The animals began running. Fuli and Azaad were leading.
Beshte: It looks like Fuli and Azaad are in the lead.
Kion: That's not surprising. They're the fastest.
Ono: Indeed, but it looks as if Azaad is winning so far.
Azaad: Azaad never loses!
Fuli: You lost on our first race!
The others fell behind.
Kion: There's Bunga!
Bunga: Zuka...Zama...hey, can we slow down?
Anga: And it looks like he's winning.
Fuli: You're not going to win today!
Azaad: Think again!
Azaad crossed the finish line.
Rani: Congratulations, Azaad. You win the geode.
Bunga: Ooh! Which is it?
Rani: This time, we found a really small ruby.
Beshte: Nice job, Azaad.
Azaad: Azaad gives his thanks. But, between you and me, Fuli. Your friend needs serious help with speed.
Fuli: Yes, he does.
Rani: Now, animals will go anywhere and tell stories. The Night Pride shares the story of Layla.
Kion: We'd like to hear it.
Rani: Layla was a lioness. She found the Tree of Life.
Kion: Woah.
Rani: Layla ran away from her home because her playfulness was harming others.
Fuli: Like--
Bunga: Uncle Timon!
Rani: Uh, sure. Anyways, she travelled on her own for a long time. She found this place and claimed it a miracle.
Baliyo: She had to leave, because the Night Pride of that time had let in evil, which caused big destruction.
Nirmala: And the Tree of Life was unused. Layla tried to bring it back. After many years, she revived it, and left it with everyone before us.
Kion: Reminds me of the Pride Lands when Scar took over.
Ono: Indeed.
Rani: Yes. But, that's the story of Layla.
Fuli: Wow.
Nirmala: And now you can share that story with your family, when you go to the Pride Lands.
Kion: Yeah. You're right.
Bunga: When we go to the Pride Lands?
Ono: Our families will miss us.
Beshte: Yeah. We've got to visit them.
Bunga: I know, I know.
Makucha: Plenty of animals are gathered together today.
Chuluun: Should we attack?
Mama Binturong: I don't think so! We're waiting.
Kosa: Why?
Mama Binturong: Because I'm nice.
Kosa (to Makucha, Chuluun and Ora): I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Mama Binturong: And it's the perfect plan! The animals will be happy, and think everything is okay!
Makucha: So?
Mama Binturong: So, now that they feel safe, we can attack tomorrow!
Ora: That will work.
Kosa: Yeah.
(Back at the celebration...)
Makini: And that concludes Layla Min Hakim! Remember, all forgotten gifts will be left at the Tree of Life!
The animals started heading to their habitats.
Kion: That was something worth remembering.
Anga: Yep.
Bunga: Are you kidding? I'm never going to forget today!
Fuli: You said it.
Rani: I'm glad you enjoyed. I've always loved Layla Min Hakim. Before Fuli, Azaad barely had competition.
Fuli: He is fast.
Rani: Yes. I have to help Makini gather the gifts that were left behind.
Makini: Help would be good!
Kion: We'll all help.
Bunga: So...what happened today?
Kion: Bunga!