The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The New Heroes
Air Date
December 13th, 2018 (original)
November 17th, 2020 (re-release)
Episode Guide
Team Play
Nguruma and the Bully

The New Heroes is the fifth episode of Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands.


Two new heroes join the Lion Guard. But can they be a help or a hindrance?


On a prideful day in the Pride Lands, the Lion Guard was relaxing in the Lair of the Lion Guard.

“It's been pretty quiet lately. I hope it lasts.” Fuli said.

“I hope so too.” Kion said.

Suddenly, Kiara appeared at the entrance to the den.

“Daddy wants to see all of you. You have a visitor.” Kiara said.

Instantly, Kion's expression brightened.

“Is it Mhina?” Kion asked eagerly.

“Come and see for yourself.” Kiara said.

She led the Lion Guard out of the lair, and they went up to the peak.

When they arrived, Mhina bounded forward to greet them.

“Hi!.” Mhina said brightly.

“Hi Mhina.” Kion said excitedly.

“What're you doing here?” Fuli asked.

Simba cleared his throat.

“Mhina's come to spend the day in the Pride Lands.” Simba said.

“That's wonderful. You can come on the morning patrol.” Kion said eagerly.

“Sure. I'd love too.” Mhina said.

Kion glanced behind him at Fuli, Bunga, Ono, and Beshte.

“Are you guys ready?” Kion asked.

Fuli, Bunga, Ono, and Beshte nodded.

“Let's go, Lion Guard.” Kion said.

“Stay alert, son. Tell me if anything serious happens.” Simba said.

“I will, Dad.” Kion said.

Simba moved forward, and ruffled Kion's head tuft affectionally.

“Have a good day, son.” Simba said.

“Thanks, Dad.” Kion said.

He glanced at Fuli, Bunga, Ono, Mhina, and Beshte.

“Let's patrol Mizimu Grove first.” Kion said.

“Good idea, Kion.” Beshte said.

They headed into the Pride Lands, and Kion began to lead the way to Mizimu Grove.

Suddenly, Anga flew up to them.

“Hi, can I patrol with you today?” Anga asked.

“Sure, Anga.” Kion said.

He glanced up as Makini bounded over to them.

“Lion Guard!” Makini called.

“What is it, Makini?” Kion asked.

“Kiburi's Float is attacking Timon and Pumbaa at the Watering Hole.” Makini said.

Kion exchanged a glance with Fuli.

“Come on. We gotta save them.” Bunga said.

“We will, Little B. Don't worry.” Beshte said.

“Until the Pride Lands end!” Kion called.

“Lion Guard defend!” Fuli, Bunga, Ono, and Beshte chorused.

“Can I come too?” Makini asked.

“Sure, Makini. You can come.” Kion said.

Mhina and Anga exchanged a glance.

“We're going too.” Mhina said.

“Sure.” Kion said.

He led the way to the Watering Hole.

When they arrived, they stopped suddenly.

“Are you seeing what I'm seeing?” Kion asked.

“Who are they?” Fuli asked.

“What are they doing?” Beshte asked.

“I don't know. Let's find out.” Kion said.

He watched as the crocodiles headed towards the border.

Bunga immediately rushed forward to hug Timon and Pumbaa.

“Are you two okay?” Bunga asked anxiously.

“We're okay, Bunga.” Timon said.

“Don't worry.” Pumbaa added.

The lioness stepped forward, and cleared her throat.

“My name is Gina. Me and my brother Tapu were passing by, and wanted to help.” Gina said.

“It's nice to meet you, Gina. Thanks for the help.” Kion said.

“We're happy to help.” Tapu said.

“You handled the situation well.” Ono said.

“Thanks.” Gina said.

“Come on, guys. Let's keep patrolling.” Kion said.

He, the Guard, Mhina, Makini, and Anga began to head towards Lake Matope.

“Can you believe that? Gina and Tapu defeated the crocs so easily.” Bunga said.

“Yeah. They didn't even need our help.” Ono said.

“It's like they were the Lion Guard.” Fuli said.

“It made me feel unneeded.” Mhina said.

They didn't notice Shupavu and Nyata were observing them from a tree branch.

“Hmmm. This is interesting.” Shupavu said.

“Yes, we can use this information.” Nyata said.

She and Shupavu slipped down the tree, and headed towards the Outlands border.

When they arrived, they saw Reirei's Pack outside the Outlands Volcano.

“Do you have news, skinks?” Reirei asked.

“Apparently, two newcomers handled an attack from Kiburi's crocs before the Lion Guard could.” Shupavu said.

“So, the Lion Guard did nothing?” Reirei asked.

“Sure seems like it, and they didn't appear to be happy about it either.” Nyata said.

“Hmm. This gives me an idea.” Reirei said.

“What's the idea, dear?” Goigoi asked.

“We attack Rafiki.” Reirei said.

“Really?” Goigoi asked.

Reirei nodded.

“That old mandrill won't stand a chance.” Reirei said.

“What if those newcomers stop us?” Goigoi asked.

“Then we'll get rid of them.” Reirei said.

“Rafiki is gathering herbs in Mizimu Grove.” Shupavu said.

“What are we waiting for?” Goigoi asked.

“Nothing. Let's go.” Reirei said.

She led the way to Mizimu Grove.

Meanwhile, Kion, the Lion Guard, Mhina, Anga, and Makini had finished a patrol around Lake Matope.

“Everything clear, Ono?” Kion asked.

“I'll check.” Ono said, from his perch on Beshte's back. He spread his wings, and took to the sky.

“Kion, we have a problem.” Ono said.

“What's wrong, Ono?” Kion asked.

“Reirei's jackals. They're attacking Rafiki at Mizimu Grove.” Ono said.

“No!” Makini exclaimed.

“Don't worry, Makini. We'll help him.” Kion said gently.

“If Tapu and Gina haven't done it for us by the time we get there.” Fuli said quietly.

Kion nudged Fuli pointedly.

“Cone on, guys. Let's go.” Kion said.

“Until the Pride Lands end!” Bunga called.

“Lion Guard defend!” Fuli, Kion, Ono, and Beshte chorused.

When they arrived at Mizimu Grove, they saw Tapu and Gina standing beside a baobab tree.

“What's going on?” Kion asked.

“Where's Rafiki?” Fuli added.

“Look over there.” Gina said, gesturing with her tail.

Kion glanced over to where she was pointing, and saw Rafiki swiftly kick Goigoi away from him, sending him flying into Reirei.

“Wow.” Bunga said.

“Looks like none of us are needed.” Ono said.

As the jackals scampered off, Makini rushed forward to embrace Rafiki.

“Are you okay, Uncle Rafiki?” Makini asked anxiously.

“Yes, little one. I am fine.” Rafiki said gently, as he ruffled Makini's mane.

Gina cleared her throat awkwardly.

“I think Tapu and I owe you an apology.” Gina said.

“For what?” Kion asked.

“We heard you talking after we saved the warthog and meerkat this morning. We didn't mean to take your job from you.” Gina said.

“You didn't. We're just not used to someone else saving the Pride Landers.” Kion said.

“It must've felt strange to see others doing your job.” Tapu said.

“You have no idea.” Bunga said.

“We are grateful for your help. Thank you.” Beshte said.

“You're welcome. I think it's best if we head home now.” Gina said.

She and Tapu rushed off.

Rafiki cleared his throat.

“Come, Makini. You can help me sort these herbs back at my tree.” Rafiki said.

He and Makini began to head towards Rafiki's Tree.

Kion glanced at Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, Ono, Anga, and Mhina.

“You all can go back to the Lair. I want to talk to someone. I'll be there soon.” Kion said.

“Okay, Kion.” Fuli said.

She led Beshte, Bunga, Ono, Anga, and Mhina towards Pride Rock.

Once they'd gone, Kion glanced up at the sky.

“Grandpa Mufasa, are you there?” Kion asked.

He shivered as Mufasa's spirit embraced him.

“I'm here, Kion. What is it?” Mufasa prompted.

“Do you think there will be a time when the Lion Guard needs actual new members?” Kion asked.

Mufasa nodded.

“Yes, I do. That time will come sooner than you expect, Kion.” Mufasa said.

“Why would the Guard need new members?” Kion asked.

“You must find that out for yourself.” Mufasa said.







  • This episode marks the debut of the characters owned by NightShade2K18, which are used with permission.
  • In the original version of the story...