The Lovely Huntressess is a story by PrinceBalto.

Fuli and Kiara go hunting
Just a fun little story about Kiara and Fuli hunting together, showing how close the two of them have come since they became sisters-in-law. Kiara now considers Fuli the little sister that she never had. This is in Kiara's POV.
What a lovely day for a hunt
Just me and my dear sister-in-law Fuli
Oh, how close she and I have become
Fuli, you are the little sister that I never had
You have also become my closest friend
Now, we stalk the savannah
Herds of gazelles, zebras, impalas and others roam about
We are ready
We hide in the grass, just like Mom taught me
Soon, we have an impala in our sights
We sneak ever closer
Before long, it is ours
It tries to run, but you, my spotted sister, chase it down
Soon, it is down
I finish it off
We have done it
We drag it back to Pride Rock, ready for a meal with our respective loves, Kovu and Kion
The four of us begin eating
Fuli, I say it again
You are the little sister I never had