Written by: Caldafox

The summer sun was shining down on all the lions of Simba's pride. "Sure is hot," Shabaha commented.
"It sure is," Vitani said. "That's why I'm deciding that all of us will go on our own patrols today."
"Our own patrols?" Tazama asked. Vitani nodded. "Doing that will get patrolling done faster. Then we can all get some rest in the shade afterwards."
Vitani proceeded to hand out assignments. "Imara, you go to the Western border. Tazama, take the Northern. Shabaha, check on the border between the Pride Lands and the Outlands. I'll take the Southern border, while you take the Eastern border, Kasi."
"I'm on it, Vitani!" Kasi announced. "You can count on me, 'Tani!" Shabaha said. "Moving out!" Tazama exclaimed. "See you in about half an hour!" Imara said as she ran off.
"Great," Vitani said, with a leap away. Everyone headed to their assigned destinations. Kasi raced to the Eastern border in a few minutes. It was lined with thick shrubbery and some skinny trees. As usual, nothing much was over here.
"That was easy," Kasi said to herself. She turned to go back to the Pride Lands, when rustling occurred in the bushes.
Kasi turned around with a leap and said, "Who's there?!" No answer, just more rustling. "Show yourself, you---"
Then stepped out the source of all the noise. A lion - a male one. His green eyes met Kasi's, who muttered, "---coward." She looked in amazement of this rogue lion.
"Surely that's no way to greet someone you've never met before," the rogue said, with a sly smile. Kasi shook her head and cleared her throat. "I'm sure I would've remembered meeting someone... like yourself."
The rogue chuckled. "What might your name be?"
"My name's Kasi," replied the lioness. Trying to be serious, she said, "And I'm sorry to inform you, as a member of the Lion Guard, that you're trespassing in the Pride Lands."
"Oh, right," The rogue said. "Guess I better be off then." He turned to leave, getting out of the bush he'd been standing in.
"Wait!" Kasi found herself saying. The rogue looked back. "What did I do now?"
Kasi smiled sheepishly. "If you're not doing anything wrong, you don't have to leave just yet."
The rogue turned toward her. He smiled. "Glad to know I'm welcome."
Kasi smiled at him, almost blushing. Suddenly the rogue perked up. "I have to go," he said. "My brothers are calling me."
"But what about your name?" Kasi blurted. The rogue replied slyly, "That's for me to know and you to find out." Then he leaped away.
Kasi watched him until he was out of sight. She smiled to herself, then sped off towards the Lair of the Lion Guard.
Everyone was already waiting there for Kasi. She zoomed into the Lair and said, "Sorry I'm late, everyone."
"Where were you, Kasi?" Shabaha asked. "We were about to go patrolling again to look for you," Vitani told her. "Was everything OK?"
"Everything's fine." Kasi said, hiding her pleasure. "There was nothing going on at the Northen border that I had to sort out."
"Then why'd you take so long?" Imara inquired. Kasi just frowned at her.
"...Never mind that now," Vitani said, suspicious. "Let's just go and take that rest I promised."
"Agreed," everyone said. They all headed out, Kasi smiling to herself.
A few days later, Kasi ran to the Eastern border quickly as possible. Everyone else in the pride was taking an afternoon snooze. "Hey, uh... rogue? You there?" Kasi called, peering into the bushes.
"Yes?" A voice said behind her. Kasi jumped in surprise. "How did you get behind me?!"
"Rogues are always sneaky," the rogue replied. "I've noticed," Kasi said, raising an eyebrow. Her and the rogue laughed.
"So, tell me Kasi," the rogue started. "What position to you have in the Lion Guard?"
"I'm the fastest," Kasi said, stretching. "And I bet I could take you on any day!"
"Really?" the rogue asked. "Alright then, bring it on!" He stood next to her and smiled, and Kasi smiled back. "Ready...set...go!"
The two lions ran towards an unknown destination. They were both gladly enjoying it, and the rogue started to laugh. Kasi laughed too. Her and him raced around trees, bushes and jumped over tumbleweeds, until they were plum tuckered out.
Panting, the rogue said, "You win!"
"Told ya," Kasi smirked. "Wanna hang out again some time?"
"Gladly," the rogue said. "I couldn't miss an opportunity to hang with someone so cool."
Cool? Since when did anyone use that word anymore? Looking past that, Kasi was amazed. This rogue... liked being with her? He thought she was cool?
"Thanks," Kasi said, blushing. The rogue smiled, then perked up again. "See you later." He smiled, then bounded away.
As Kasi raced back to the Pride Lands, she smiled with relief. At first, upon meeting the rogue she'd thought he may have been related to Nadim, a lazy rogue whose children were always causing trouble. But even though Nadim's son Haki was a pale color, he was not a white lion, like this rogue had been... and didn't the rogue say he had brothers? Nadim only had one son. So, this rogue was not related to Nadim.
The days went on. Kasi began to think more of this rogue, and less of Kopa, Simba and Nala's long-lost son, whom she had developed a crush on. Suddenly, Kopa just wasn't as interesting as this rogue. No longer did his smile cause Kasi to blush. Only did she get flustered when she thought of this rogue, and his "handsome" smile. No longer did Kasi long to talk with Kopa every time he walked by. Now, she was longing to speak with this rogue again.
Kasi also noticed something else that she hadn't noticed before. It seemed as if Vitani and Kopa... were getting "closer", if you know what I mean. Kasi recognized the smile on Vitani's face when she saw Kopa, as the same smile Kasi had when she was with the rogue.
One day, Vitani came to Kasi and asked her a question Kasi already saw coming: if her crush on Kopa was working out. With a laugh, Kasi said, "He's all yours, Vitani," and explained the reason for her lack of feelings for Kopa now, once Vitani asked why.
Of course, the Fiercest asked the Fastest if this rogue was related to Nadim, and Kasi already saw that coming, too. She explained that he wasn't by pointing out his "handsome" black mane and was about to tell Vitani about his white fur, but what cut off. She told Vitani he was "so cool" that he didn't even tell her his name.
Eventually, Vitani figured out that Kasi knew of her feelings for Kopa, but she tried her best to hide them. Kasi, however, was a whole different story. She began sneaking to the Northern border almost every day, so she could talk and hang with this rogue. The two began getting more friendly. The rogue explained that he was from a pride that lived behind some mountains, but was visiting the Pride Lands because his father, Malka, knew Simba and Nala. Kasi explained the story of how Vitani's Guard won the right to protect the Pride Lands and all about Zira's failed plot. Both of them listened with fascination to each other's stories.
One day, Kasi unexpectedly met Afua, the rogue's brother. He walked in on them sharing a laugh, having come to explain that he was going to stay in Simba's pride from now on, as he had fallen in love with a lioness named Spotty (whom Kasi knew). Kasi was introduced to her would-be brother-in-law.
Several visits later, Kasi finally worked up the nerve to ask this rogue the big question. "So, are you ever gonna tell me your name?"
The rogue sighed and shook his head. "Like you said before, I'm a coward. My name is too silly to tell. Just call me Rogue."
Kasi looked at him in utter shock. "That was no way to treat someone I never met." She smiled slightly. "I wouldn't think it's silly." Then she placed her paw over his.
Rogue smiled at her. He placed his other paw over hers. "I know for one thing, I'm not silly to be friends with you."
Kasi lifted an eyebrow. "Maybe... something more?"
Rogue smiled. "That's for me to know and you to find out." He winked, and Kasi knew the answer.
Afua and Spotty became mates shortly after Kopa and Vitani were married at the Tree of Life. Kasi said goodbye to Rogue before she left for the wedding. "My friend Vitani is getting hitched today. I'll see you in about a week or two, Rogue."
Rogue smiled, already knowing the journey would be long. He thought to himself, maybe ours will be next?
And he was right. Him and Kasi became mates after Afua and Spotty did. By now, Vitani's Lion Guard had figured out why Kasi was always heading to the Eastern border. They were glad she'd found a mate.
At Simba's permission, Rogue was allowed to join the pride. He wanted to be with his new family.
Kamaria, daughter of Kasi and Rogue, was born only a few weeks before Kopa and Vitani's cubs, Safiya and Nuka II. She had many freckles, which she got from her father, who had them under his eyes. She was very smart.
However, Rogue soon felt the endless wilderness was calling him. After 2 1/2 months of staying in Simba's pride, he decided to go off on his own again.
Kasi understood her mate's desire to travel. She exchanged a nuzzle with him as he bid farewell with his family. However, that wouldn't be the last of Rogue. He'd come back many times after that, just as glad to see his family as when he first saw them.