The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Lion Guard: Saving Juhudi is a fanfiction story created by Florencia86.


  • Kion
  • Bunga
  • Fuli
  • Beshte
  • Ono
  • Twiga
  • Juhudi
  • Janja
  • Cheezi
  • Chungu


It was a calm day in the Pride Lands.

The Lion Guard was patrolling Hakuna Matata Falls.

Kion signals Ono to watch the Pride Lands.

Ono flies to the sky and uses the keenest of sight.

-Ono: Let's see.

Suddenly, Ono sees Twiga running and screaming.

-Twiga: Lion Guard! Lion Guard!

Twiga was searching for the Lion Guard.

-Ono: Twiga?

Ono warns the Guard.

-Ono: Kion!

-Kion: Is there someone in trouble?

-Ono: Yes! It's Twiga, and it's looking for us.

-Kion: Twiga?

-Ono: Yes. And it's coming. This way.

The Guard arrives until Twiga.

-Twiga: Lion Guard! Here you are.

-Beshte: What's the kerbubble?

-Twiga: Janja is attacking my daughter!

-Bunga: Juhudi?!

-Twiga: Yes!

-Bunga: Oh, always Janja, Janja, Janja!

-Fuli: Okay, Bunga!

-Kion: Where they are going?

Ono again uses the keenest of sight, and returns to Kion.

-Ono: Ukuni Woods.

-Kion: Okay. Come on! Till' the Pride Lands' end...

-All: Lion Guard defend!

Janja, Cheezi and Chungu were surrounding Juhudi.

-Janja: Come here, giraffe.

Cheezi was getting very close to Juhudi.

-Cheezi: Giraffe, delicious!

Cheezi chuckled and takes a leap towards her, but Juhudi kicks him, and the hyena falls to the ground.

-Cheezi: Ouch!

Janja sighs, and with Chungu, they face Juhudi.

Janja growls at the young giraffe.

-Janja: Little girl! You will come with us now!

-Kion: Not so fast, Janja!

The Lion Guard arrives with Twiga.

-Kion: Get away from her, Janja!

-Janja: Oh, no!

Kion pushes Janja, while Fuli does the same with Chungu.

-Bunga: Zuka Zama!

Bunga jumps on top of Cheezi, who was about to get up.

-Beshte: Twende kiboko!

Beshte pushes Janja and Ono pecks Chungu.

-Chungu: Ouch! Hey!

The three hyenas face the Guard.

-Kion: Janja, I told you that you and your hyenas will stay away from the Pride Lands.

-Janja: Sure, but we'll still come.

-Kion: Not for long.

-Janja: Oh, oh.

Kion uses the Roar.

The Roar sends away Janja, Cheezi and Chungu, to the Outlands.

Juhudi runs to her mother.

-Juhudi: Mom!

-Twiga: Juhudi! Thank you, Lion Guard.

-Fuli: You're welcome!

Bunga quickly approaches Juhudi.

-Bunga: Juhudi! You're good?! Are you sure you're okay?! Tell me, tell me!

Juhudi laughs.

-Juhudi: Yes, Bunga. I'm okay.

Bunga sighs.

Everyone laughs happily.
