The Lion Guard: Rescuing Kiara is a fanfiction story created by Florencia86.
- Kion
- Bunga
- Fuli
- Beshte
- Ono
- Kiara
- Mzingo
- Mwoga
- Tiifu
- Zuri
- Rafiki
- Ema (mentioned)
- Simba (mentioned)
- Nala (mentioned)
- Adia (mentioned)
It was a calm day in the Pride Lands.
The Lion Guard comes out of the Lair to go patrolling.
-Kion: Well, Lion Guard. Time to patrol the Pride Lands.
But, in that, Tiifu and Zuri arrive at Pride Rock.
-Kion: Tiifu, Zuri? What happens to you?
-Tiifu: Vultures...
-Zuri: ... attacking...
-Both: ... Kiara!
-Kion: Kiara?!
Ono flies to the clouds and sees Kiara being attacked.
-Ono: Hapana! They're right!
-Bunga: Really?!
-Ono: Yeah! Mzingo's Parliament is attacking Kiara. And they're surrounding her!
-Kion: Where?
-Ono: At the Watering Hole.
-Kion: Hevi kabisa!
-Fuli: We have to hurry. Or something can happen to Kiara.
-Beshte: Sure!
-Kion: Come on, guys. We have to save my sister. Ono, guide us.
-Ono: Affirmative!
-Kion: Come on. Till the Pride Lands' end...
-All: Lion Guard defend!
Meanwhile in the Watering Hole.
Mzingo and his vultures were approaching Kiara to attack her.
-Kiara: (growls)
-Mzingo: Now! Parliament, attack!
But, the Lion Guard arrives just in time.
-Kion: Mzingo! Get away from my sister!
-Mzingo: Oh, no!
Kion pushes Mzingo.
Bunga and Fuli kicks two other vultures.
-Bunga: Take that, vultures!
A vulture that was behind Bunga was ready to attack him, and the honey badger didn't notice.
-Fuli: Bunga, behind you!
-Bunga: Eh?
-Fuli: Be careful! Huwezi!
Fuli jumps over Bunga and hits the vulture.
-Male Vulture: Ouch!
The vulture falls to the ground.
-Bunga: Wow, well done, Fuli!
-Fuli: Thanks!
Ono pecks Mwoga on the head repeatedly.
-Mwoga: Hurts, hurts, hurts...
Two vultures try to attack Kiara, but in that, Beshte appears in front of them.
-Beshte: You two! Take this! Twende kiboko!
Beshte pushes away the two vultures.
Kion releases Mzingo and he calls his parliament.
-Mzingo: Reconvene! Reconvene! Come on!
-Kion: Mzingo, don't come near to my sister, never again!
Kion uses the Roar.
The Roar sends away Mzingo and his vultures.
-Kion: Are you okay?
-Kiara: Yes, I am. But... ouch, I have a wounded leg.
The Guard gasps.
-Kion: Which leg?
-Kiara: The left, the left leg.
-Bunga: Does it hurt a lot? And when do I touch it?
-Kiara: Ouch! Careful, Bunga, not so loud, please.
-Bunga: Sorry...
-Kion: Don't worry, Kiara. We'll take you with Rafiki.
-Beshte: I'll carry you, Kiara.
-Kiara: Thank you, Beshte.
-Fuli: Surely Rafiki will know what to do.
-Ono: This way.
The Guard and Kiara arrive to the Lair.
Rafiki gives Kiara a green patch on her leg.
-Rafiki: Ok, Kiara.
-Kiara: (sighs) Thanks, Rafiki. But, how many days will I be with this?
-Rafiki: Just a few days, and you'll being better.
-Kiara: Okay. Hey, does anyone know anything about Ema?
-Kion: She was with Mom and Dad in the Pride Rock. Oh, and with her mother. And she's fine.
-Kiara: Oh, okay. Hey, could you tell Mom and Dad about what happened?
-Ono: I'll tell them.
-Kiara: Thank you, Ono.
Ono comes out of the Lair to warn Simba and Nala.
-Bunga: Your leg doesn't hurt anymore, Kiara?
-Kiara: Just a bit.
-Fuli: Really?
-Kiara: Yes.
-Beshte: That means that leg will heal very soon.
-Kiara: (laughs) Yeah. Thanks for worrying, guys.
-Kion: Yeah. I'm glad you're fine, Kiara. I hope you recover soon from that pain.
-Kiara: Oh, thank you, Little Brother...
-Kion: Enough. (laughs) Just kidding. I love you, Kiara.
-Kiara: I love you too, Kion. We'll always be brother and sister.
-Kion: Yes, you said it.
Kion and Kiara hugged each other.