The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Cheetah Boys are characters is a upcoming fanfiction By CanYouFeelTheLoveTonight. They terroize the pride lands.


Chumvi's Fanon
MalikiMosiZeruKifoMshtukoMtiJasiriBozaaSita EusiJasiri's DaughterMachozi Nafsi,Ja, and MsaniiBayaBratheeTanoMunguBeiIzitheloKiwiMzigoKakaEyne and BeshteEyne and FuliWezaEyne and KionTama and SitaRafiki and MidnightHodari PrideMidnight's CaveThe MeadowThe Hodari CaveThe Prideland's DepressionThe Lion King: The Royal GenerationsThe Story Of MunguThe Terrible ThreeHuweziBunga!SiriWatafanyaZiziHyenas (Royal Generation)HalisiSabaKimbiaSolMapuSilverpeltThe Forest of the MissingThe Lion Guard: Bunga's FatherThe Lion King: HateKosekanaEyneMojaBunga Fanon MusicalOsiris vs Isis Moja's Stories