The Lion King Fanon Wiki

You must be so proud, Nala. This is her first hunt.
―Tama to Nala before Kiara's first hunt

Queen Tamasha, better known as Tama, is a member of Simba's Pride. She is the daughter of Anaya and Chagua, the littermate of Tojo, the ex-partner of Prince Mheetu, the wife of King Malka, and the mother of Naba, Princess Auni, and Prince Afua.


Tama is a sleek, strongly-built lioness with orange fur, a cream-colored muzzle and underbelly, and indistinct paws. Her eyes are brown.


Sassy | Intelligent | Observant | Adventurous | Vain | Gossip | Spirited | Defensive | Outgoing | Conceited


  • Her images are created by Av and are used with her permission.