The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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You are viewing the page dedicated to the cheetah. You may have been looking for the meerkat.

I'm Swifty. I'm the fastest animal in the region! Nobody can win a race against me!

Swifty is a male cheetah.

Appearance []

Swifty is a spotted cheetah with red eyes, colorless paws, visible claws, and a scruffy 'mane' on the back of his neck. His ear tips and tail tip are white.


Swifty seems cold and hostile, which often results in awkward interactions with the other inhabitants of Leopon Plains. He mostly acts stiff and uninterested in goings-on, which leads many to perceive him as unfriendly. However, Swifty's friends can see beneath his cold exterior, and realize that he is actually kind, caring, and willing to risk his life to protect others.



Swifty lived in or nearby the jungle. He developed a spectacular talent for running and continually beat other animals in races.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]


  • Swifty is voiced by Mekai Curtis.