The Lion King Fanon Wiki

As you can see, all of our herds are very thankful for your help. We will find a way to repay this debt.
―Swala promising to repay debt to everyone

Swala is an adult female gazelle that resides in the Pride Lands. She is the daughter of Nzee, the mate of Machufa, the mother of Nzuri, and the leader of her herd.


For a gazelle, Swala is large and imposing, with a strong build and a thick neck. Her pelt is light brown, with patches of white above her hooves and on the underside of her tail. Her underbelly is white, extending from around her eyes to the tip of her tail. She sports dark markings around her eyes and on her sides, and has gray horns. Her eyes are brown.


Swala is an argumentative gazelle, hot-tempered and quick to blame. She is sarcastic and will resort to physical violence if she needs to.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Wildfire Emergency[]

Swala and her herd are caught in a massive wildfire at Mbali Fields; Fuli and Beshte arrive to put out the flames, later being joined by the rest of the Lion Guard and other Pride Landers. Once the fires are put out, Swala promises to repay the debt for the help someday, and Kion offers the gazelles a temporary residency in Acacia Savannah, which they accept.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]



  • Swala is voiced by Tunisia Hardison.