The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Surak is a male Asiatic lion who lives at the Tree of Life. He is the paternal uncle of Rani and Baliyo.

Physical appearance[]

Surak is an adult male Asiatic lion with dark brown fur and a creamy muzzle, chest, stomach and paws. He has a large darker brown mane that points upwards on the sides and near the bottom, where a tuft of fur sticks out from it. He has a dark red, hooked nose, brown eyes, and black eyebrows. The rings around his eyes are a similar color as his fur. His mane and tail tip have lighter-colored stripes running through them. The inside of Surak's ears are pink, while the top and bottom are blackish-brown, and the sides are light brown.


Surak is a cool and calm lion, always thinking before making a move. He is very observant and very wise, often advising others from the experiences he has had. He has great strength, but uses it wisely, and is more rational and reasonable at times than others in the Night Pride.


  • His name, coming from "Surakh" means "clue" or "information" in Nepali.
  • Surak is great friends with Nirmala.
  • He is hardly fazed by anything, but does show emotion and is not made of stone.
  • His catchphrase, "Jōgina!" means "Avoid!" in Nepali.
  • Surak's niece and nephew never call him "Uncle".
  • Since his mother's passing, he is the oldest member of the Night Pride.