The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Sukari is a male zebra. He is the son of Muwa and a member of Muhimu's Herd.

Appearance []

Like his mother, Sukari is long-bodied, slender, and sturdily-built. His pelt is striped with black and white, and his mane is bi-colored and short-cropped. His eyes are black.

Personality []

Mischievous and rambunctious, Sukari appreciates a good laugh and has no reservations when it comes to lying. He is naturally playful and loves to goof around with his friends, even when their games are more than just simple fun.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Wildfire Emergency[]

Sukari and his herd are caught in a wildfire at Chakula Plains, and the Lion Guard quickly arrives on the scene to help rescue animals and put out the flames. The youngest zebras, including Sukari, help Bunga dig fire breaks, but soon become exhausted; Sukari and Amana break out into coughing fits. The youngest zebras are promptly herded into the hyenas' den by Mdalasini, and both Sukari and Hamu pass out from the smoke inhalation. However, the fires are put out, and they are saved and treated for their injuries.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]



  • Sukari is voiced by Joshua Rush.