Siwatu is a male lion. He was the strongest member of Scar's Lion Guard.
Appearance []
Siwatu is a golden-brown, with a lighter muzzle, underside, and paws. His mane is black with red streaks, his cheek tufts are a creamy tawny, and his eyes are yellow.
Siwatu is sympathetic and has unwavering loyalty to those he follows. However, he isn't afraid to speak his own mind.
Siwatu was born in the Pride Lands under the rule of Ahadi and Uru. At some point either in his childhood, or his adolescence, he was chosen by Prince Akili, Prince Mufasa's younger brother, as the strongest member of the Lion Guard. Sometime during Mufasa's reign as King, Akili was bitten by a cobra and nicknamed Scar by his older brother, a nickname which he would soon accept as his name. As a result of Mufasa's mockery of him, Scar ordered the Lion Guard to help him kill Mufasa. However, when they refused, Scar used the Roar of the Elders to kill them all, ending his time as leader of the Lion Guard, as well as the Lion Guard's legacy in the Pride Lands.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
While he is telling his backstory to Ushari, Scar recalls trying to get his Lion Guard to help him kill Mufasa. However, they refused, so he used the Roar of the Elders to kill them all. He later mentions how he killed his Lion Guard to Kion.
Trivia []
- Siwatu is voiced by Ace Gibson.