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King Simba is a male African lion (part Asiatic) and the current king of the Pridelands. He formerly resided at the Hakuna Matata Jungle. He is the only son and child of King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi, the mate of Queen Nala and the father of Prince Kopa, Princess Kiara and King Kion.
Overall Appearance[]
Simba has apricot orange fur, with his medium sized muzzle, underbelly and paws being a light colour. His eyes are dark red and his nose is small and is dark pink. His mane and tail tuft is a crimson red colour. He, (atleast as an adult), lacks any ear rims.
Simba, as an infant had golden fur, with the underbelly, paws and muzzle being a lighter gold colour. His eyes were large and had no iris. His nose was tiny and was a light pink colour. He also lacked ear rims.
Simba, as a cub now have irises with a dark red colour. He had black ear rims and brown inner ears. His tail tuft is now more defined and is cedar brown.
Simba, as a teenager had now a small chestnut brown mane. His black ear rims were starting to disapear. His fur colour changed into an apricot orange.
Young Adult[]
Simba, as a young adult had no ear rims. His large mane and tail tuft also had changed to crimson red.
Older Adult[]
Simba's fur darkened as he became an older adult. His nose has also darkened a bit. His mane has grown even larger and he gains more size.
As a cub, Simba is curious, mischevious and adventurous to a fault, always sniffing for something fun to do. Energetic and rambunctious, he can make even the scariest of places into an adventure, with much bravery on hand, evident in the way he confidently stands up to predators and defends his friends even in the face of death. However, unlike his father Mufasa, Simba is less careful about his bravery, placing himself in harm's way on ill-advised trips to dangerous places just for the fun of exploring it. Still young and inexperienced in the ways of the world, his curiousity got the better of him, leading him to go to explore the Elephant Graveyard and consider the consequences only after the fact, nearly getting himself and his friend Nala killed as a result.
Thinking himself strong and capable, Simba has an ego the size of the Serengeti. He is known to claim Nala's ideas as his own and loves to show off his status to the other animals of the Pride Lands, often overstepping his authority in doing so. He basks in the prospect of becoming king and readily looks forward to the day when he can order around his subjects. In this way, he is somewhat stuck-up and pompous.
Despite this, Simba is good at heart and longs to become the wise king that his father is. The cub glorifies Mufasa, wanting to be just like him when he grows up, and suffers much grief whenever he disappoints him. When his father dies, Simba suffers severe emotional trauma, thinking the death to be his fault. Following Mufasa's fall, Simba becomes somewhat withdrawn and depressed, no longer putting value in his own life. It takes the efforts of Timon and Pumbaa to make Simba forget his past and move on with life.
As an adolescent, Simba picks up a happy, carefree lifestyle, thinking nothing of his responsibilities back home. In addition, Simba's vocabulary changes drastically (as he now says "Father" instead of "Dad", and "Scar" instead of "Uncle Scar"). In the jungle, he develops somewhat grotesque habits, burping and eating bugs alongside his lazy companions. No longer the respected prince of the Pride Lands, Simba becomes sedentary and stubbornly refuting of his past life. Having been tainted in mind by his well-meaning friends, Simba no longer sees the need to help others and would rather lock himself away in bliss than face reality.
However, this changes when he grows into a young adult, with his childhood friend Nala reminding him of his responsibilities back home. When faced with his dark past, Simba is prone to reacting defensively, losing his mostly well-controlled temper in bouts of fury.
This stems from his sensitivity toward his past, as he thinks himself to be the cause of so much pain and turmoil. Ridden by guilt, Simba will do anything to blame his troubles on someone else, though he ultimately does face the truth.
Despite his guilt-ridden conscience, Simba is forced into maturity when he has to face his past, holding himself accountable to the land he once swore to defend. Once accepting of his duties, he becomes a new character, stronger in will than before. Unlike the old Simba, who would rather avoid an argument, this new Simba does not tolerate being bullied and refuses to stand for abuse, being particularly defensive of his mother. When challenged, Simba becomes rough around the edges, determined to have his way and unwilling to stand for compromise. No longer an innocent cub, he is brave when he has to be, standing up for his land and his pride.
Despite this rough exterior, Simba is still good at heart, sparing his uncle even after learning that Scar has been framing him his whole life, having killed Mufasa in cold blood. Simba's good will only extends so far, however, as he has a kingdom to think about, and he ultimately sets aside total forgiveness in order to keep his pride safe, sending Scar into exile. This decision proves that he is growing into a leader, learning the importance of mercy within authority.
Once a full-grown adult and a father, Simba has matured to a new level, now totally fixated on his duties as a king and a father. For all his benevolence and inherent goodness, Simba is not without fault, as he is overprotective of his daughter Kiara, willing to break a promise to her in order to keep her safe. Similarly, he initially lacks faith in his second son, Kion when he is appointed as the leader of the Lion Guard. He is certain that Kion is not yet ready and is quick to assume that his son is just playing around when choosing the members of the Lion Guard without asking about Kion's reasoning. In this way, Simba shows that he does not fully respect his cubs, seeing himself as older and wiser. Thinking himself to know better, he often becomes blind to the outside world, focusing only on his family and their safety. In doing so, he comes to harm those around him.
Ironically, while his experience with Scar makes him distrustful of those who supported his late uncle, Simba is shown to have mellowed in regard to the hyenas. This is made evident when he accepts Jasiri and later forgives Janja and his clan shortly after fighting them.
Simba is so determined to keep his family and kingdom safe that he sacrifices his slow-to-anger attitude from the first film for arrogance, paranoia, and suspicion, preferring to jump into situations without first coming to understand them. Such decisions frequently lead to clashes with Kiara and occasionally Nala. At times, this attitude gets the better of Simba, as his enemies take advantage of it to bait him into dangerous situations. Toward the end of the film, Simba finally loses his rational behavior and temporarily abandons all reason due to sustained injuries, a growing sense of anger, and the stress of being a monarch. He begins to throw fits of retribution, constantly overrides pleas, and even outright states that he must follow in Mufasa's pawprints, despite acting nothing like his benevolent father.
Perhaps because he is so overprotective of Kiara, Simba is paranoid and unwilling to forgive, segregating the Outsiders for supporting the late Scar (though it was later revealed that Zira had attacked Simba). His trust is considerably hard to earn, as he refuses to accept Kovu even after the young lion saves his daughter's life. With the belief that he knows best, Simba is quick to jump to conclusions, not giving others a chance to speak for themselves. Despite this, Simba does later learn his lesson, being willing to accept the words of his daughter. Unlike his enemy Zira, he is eventually able to let go of the past and forgive. Having accepted the wisdom of his daughter, Simba becomes a greater leader, more open to his enemies and willing to give others a second chance.
Prior to Episode 1[]
Prince Simba was born to King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi soon after the deaths of Queen Uru and King Ahadi. Sarabi smiles at infant Simba.
Episode 1: The Circle of Life[]
In episode 1, a newborn Simba lies curled in his mother's paws. For the ceremony, the Royal Mjuzi, Rafiki cracks open a gourd and makes a red mark on Simba's forehead, naming him the future king. He sprinkles sand on the newborn's head, making Simba sneeze, and then picks him up, presenting the cub to all the animals in the Pride Lands who are gathered to see him.
Episode 2: Can't Wait to be King
In episode 2, he grows into a lively, playful cub. He is the first to wake up one morning, coming to the edge of Pride Rock to see whether it is dawn yet. When he sees that the morning is approaching, Simba runs into the royal den, where all the lions are fast asleep. When he finds his parents asleep at the back, he starts to wake them up. He recalls that Mufasa had promised to show him the kingdom. Finally, Mufasa gets up. Simba happily scampers ahead of his parents, rubbing affectionately against his mother's leg before following his father to the summit .
Simba and his father climb to the top of Pride Rock, where Mufasa explains to his son that everything the light touches is their kingdom. He goes on to say that after his passing, Simba will become the new king. The cub questions the "shadowy place," and Mufasa explains that it is beyond their borders, so he must never go there. As they go on a walk through the Pride Lands, Mufasa tells Simba about the Circle of Life, explaining that every living thing "from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope" is connected and exists together in a delicate balance. While they are walking, Zazu, Mufasa's majordomo, gives the king a morning report. Simba, bored, tries to practice pouncing. After some instruction from his father, Simba succeeds in pinning down Zazu. As Zazu is on his back, a mole pops up beneath him and informs Zazu and Mufasa that there are dangerous hyenas in the Pride Lands. Mufasa leaves to deal with the threat, forbidding Simba to come with him.
Disappointed, Simba returns to Pride Rock to find his uncle Scar moping in the shadows. He gleefully informs Scar that he will one day be the king of Pride Rock, irritating Scar, who unenthusiastically tells Simba to forgive him for not leaping for joy, since he has a "bad back." He then flops down in depression, but Simba, unaware of why his uncle is in a bad mood, asks Scar what he will be once Simba is king. Scar replies, "A monkey's uncle," making Simba laugh. The cub tells his uncle that he is so weird, and Scar tells him that he has "no idea." Scar then asks Simba whether his father had showed him what lies beyond the northern border. Simba admits that he has been forbidden to go there, and Scar acts relieved, claiming that only the bravest lions go there. Objecting, Simba says that he's brave and demands to know what's out there. "Accidentally," Scar lets it slip that there is an elephant graveyard in the shadows, aware that Simba's curiosity will lead him there. Simba is excited at the prospect of an adventure but promises his uncle that he won't visit the graveyard.
Leaving Scar, Simba goes to his best friend Nala, who is being bathed by her mother Sarafina, opposite Simba's own mother Sarabi. Simba tries to get Nala to accompany him somewhere without giving away the location of their adventure. When asked where they are headed by his mother, he lies, saying, "Around the Water Hole." Sarabi sends Zazu to accompany the cubs, much to their dismay.
On the way to the Water Hole, Zazu makes a nostalgic comment about how the two are "betrothed, intended, affianced," meaning that they are set to be mates and rule the Pride Lands together. Since they are just children, they find it weird. The duo then sing the song "I Just Can't Wait to be King", during which they lose Zazu.
After losing track of Zazu, Simba brags to Nala, claiming that he is a genius for getting rid of Zazu. Nala opposes him, arguing that she deserves credit since she came up with the plan. Simba jumps on her to make her admit that he is the best, but she flips him onto his back, teasing him for getting pinned.
Episode 3: The Elephant Graveyard[]
A geyser beside Simba and Nala shoots skyward, and they realize that they are in the Elephant Graveyard.
After the cubs make a quick exploration, Zazu catches up with them, though Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed soon show up. Simba tries to be brave in front of the hyenas, but, realizing the danger, he makes a frantic effort to escape, with the hyenas in hot pursuit. The cubs manage to get away from the hyenas, but Zazu is caught and thrown into a geyser. Simba and Nala come back to defend Zazu from the hyenas, and Simba tells the hyenas to fight someone their own size. Shenzi suggests that Simba is just the right size, and Simba realizes that he has overstepped his authority. It proves to be too late for the cubs, because the hyenas come for another attack. The cubs flee again and use the backbone of an elephant like a roller coaster that sends them flying from the hyenas. While climbing a mountain of bones, Nala slips, and Simba runs back to save her, swiping Shenzi in the face and helping Nala climb back to the top of the hill. The chase leads to Simba and Nala being cornered in a cave. Simba tries to protect Nala by making a roar to scare the hyenas away, but he is unsuccessful.
Just then, Mufasa arrives and pins down the hyenas, who flee in fear. Simba approaches his father and tries to speak, but Mufasa interrupts, accusing Simba of deliberately disobeying him. Simba quietly apologizes, but Mufasa just says, "Let's go home." Simba follows him, bowing his head, as Nala whispers to him that she'd thought he'd been very brave.
En route to Pride Rock, Mufasa stops on their way through the savanna. Simba bows his head in the grass when he hears that Mufasa wants to speak with him. Zazu then comes to the cubs and says that he will take Nala home. Putting his wings on Simba's shoulders, he wishes him good luck. A little scared, Simba sends one last look at Nala, who leaves. Mufasa then calls Simba to come to him. Going to his father, Simba accidentally steps into his father's pawprint, realizing just how much bigger and wiser Mufasa is.
Once by the king's side, Simba is admonished by his father, who expresses disappointment in him and anger that he'd disobeyed and had put Nala in danger. Simba says that he had been trying to be brave like him, but Mufasa explains that even kings get scared, just as he had been that day because he'd almost lost Simba. No longer so scared, Simba jokes that the hyenas had been even more scared.
In response, Mufasa playfully says, "Because no one messes with your dad!" He then picks Simba up and gives him a playful noogie. After playing together under the sky, Mufasa tells Simba about the Great Kings of the Past, who are looking down on them from the stars. He reminds Simba that whenever he feels alone, the stars will always be there to guide him, as will Mufasa.
Episode 4: The Stampede[]
The next day, Scar, who had been planning to kill Mufasa and Simba in order to become king, takes Simba with him to the Gorge, saying that Mufasa has a "surprise" for him. Simba begs his uncle to tell him what it is, but Scar walks away after teasing him about practicing his "little roar." Unknown to Simba, Scar signals Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed to start a stampede of frightened wildebeests into the gorge below.
While Simba practices his roar a little louder than usual, the wildebeests charge down the cliff face in the direction of Simba. Terrified, the young cub runs for his life. Meanwhile, Scar, pretending to be terrified and nervous, runs to Mufasa, panting that Simba is in the Gorge. Immediately, Mufasa rushes to the Gorge to save his son, who desperately manages to jump and cling on to a branch while the wildebeests thunder below him. While Mufasa fights through the stampede, one of the wildebeests collides with the branch and breaks it, sending Simba flying into the air. Mufasa leaps up to catch his son, but he drops him upon impact with one of the wildebeests. Becoming stuck in the stampede again, Simba dodges a few wildebeests before again being picked up by Mufasa, who then gets him to safety. Pulled back into the herd, Mufasa fights until he can throw himself onto a ledge, where he clings for dear life.
Seeing this, Simba runs to the top of the cliff. As he reaches the top, he sees his father plummet into the stampede below, not knowing that he'd been thrown by Scar. He cries out and races down to the bottom of the Gorge to find his father's body under the branch that he had been clinging to. Hoping that his father isn't dead, he tries to revive him. Realizing that Mufasa is neither moving nor breathing, he calls for help but starts to cry and crawls underneath his father's forepaw when he realizes that there is no hope.
Scar approaches and manipulates Simba into believing that he is responsible for his father's death, claiming that Simba's roar had caused the stampede and that if it hadn't been for Simba, Mufasa would still be alive. When asked what his mother will think, Simba doesn't know what to do, so Scar tells him to run away and never return. After Simba scampers away, Scar sends Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed to kill the cub.
Panicked, scared, and now chased by the hyenas, Simba runs out of the Gorge and comes out at the top of a steep cliff. With a patch of sharp thorns below, Simba has no choice but to jump down the cliff to escape the predators. He tumbles down and forces himself through, but the hyenas don't follow, thinking that Simba is as good as dead out in the barren desert anyway.
Episode 5: Hakuna Matata[]
Tired and dehydrated, Simba wanders into the desert. In the burning heat, he eventually faints. Waiting for him to die, vultures circle overhead, but a meerkat named Timon and a warthog named Pumbaa scare away the vultures and save the unconscious cub. They revive him and ask him if he is okay. He shakily replies and starts to wander off. Timon and Pumbaa ask what he'd done to be so sad, but Simba doesn't want to talk about it. Timon and Pumbaa then take the cub into a jungle to teach him to forget the past and live by "Hakuna Matata." During the song "Hakuna Matata", the duo have Simba eat bugs, explore his new home, and live without worry. The trio walk across a log, which represents a few years, during which Simba transitions from a cub to an adolescent to a young adult.
Episode 5: Hakuna Matata[]
Simba's adolescence is only briefly shown during the log scene of the song "Hakuna Matata."
Young Adulthood[]
Episode 7: Can You Feel the Love Tonight[]
Growing up in the jungle, Simba learns to be carefree and forget about his past and responsibilities with Hakuna Matata. Although seemingly happy in the jungle, he feels homesick when stargazing with his friends, recalling what his father had told him years ago when they'd looked up at the stars together. He is upset when Timon's comments mock the Great Kings of the Past. Hurt by his friends' comments, Simba leaves to flop down on a rock in grief over his dead father.
A few days later, Simba hears Timon and Pumbaa yelling for help and immediately rushes to their rescue, finding himself face-to-face with a hungry lioness. After wrestling ferociously with the lioness (with Timon cheering him on), Simba is flipped onto his back, a move that he instantly recognizes as belonging to Nala. When he mentions Nala's name, the lioness becomes surprised and backs away. When she asks who he is, Simba tells her his name, and the lioness is surprised to recognize her childhood friend.
As they rejoice, Simba introduces Nala to his new friends, and she tells Simba that he is the rightful king. Simba rejects his responsibility and refuses to go back, still believing that he is guilty of killing Mufasa. Still, he comforts Nala as she struggles with the reality of him being alive after all these years.
Enjoying a peaceful sunset evening together, the two lions realize that their childhood friendship has blossomed into love. However, that evening, Nala tries to explain to Simba the fate of the Pride Lands under Scar's reign, trying to persuade him to go back, since he is their only hope. Despite her desperation, he refuses. Disappointed with Simba's new behavior, Nala tells him that he isn't the Simba she knows and remembers, to which he admits that he isn't. Then Simba asks Nala if she is now satisfied, and Nala declines, saying that she is just disappointed.
Simba tells Nala that she is starting to sound like his father, to which she replies, "Good! At least one of us does!" Enraged, Simba yells at her and then marches away in a huff. Alone in a grassy field, he yells to the sky at Mufasa for not being there for him when he'd promised years earlier that he would. Simba then labels the blame on himself, hanging his head in shame.
Soon, Simba notices Rafiki singing in a tree. Trying to get away from him, Simba goes to lie down away from the baboon. Rafiki refuses to leave him alone, so Simba asks him who he is. However, in response, Rafiki asks Simba who he is. Simba doesn't know anymore, and after Rafiki chants in his ear, the baboon tells Simba that he is Mufasa's boy. Surprised to hear Mufasa's name, Simba chases the wise baboon and asks him if he'd known his father, to which Rafiki corrects Simba and tells him that he knows his father. After Simba sadly tells him that Mufasa had died a long time ago, Rafiki tells Simba that he is wrong again and explains to him that Mufasa is still alive. The baboon leads Simba to a stream, and as he remarks that he only sees his reflection, Rafiki tells Simba to look harder. The reflection ripples and becomes Mufasa's face. At the same time, Simba hears Mufasa calling to him from the sky, and Simba looks up to see him again.
Mufasa's spirit appears in the sky, and Simba instantly recognizes him, astonishingly asking, "Father?" In answer, Mufasa accuses his son of forgetting him, to which Simba denies him and asks how he possibly could.
Mufasa tells his son that he has forgotten who he is and his own place in the Circle of Life. He then reminds Simba that he is his son and the one true king. Simba chases Mufasa's disappearing form in the sky, begging him not to leave him, with his father repeating, "Remember." Rafiki approaches Simba again and listens to him discussing how he will have to face his past if he is to return. Rafiki then whacks him on the head with his stick, causing Simba some pain, and teaches him the lesson that even though things are in the past, they can still hurt, but one should learn from them. As Rafiki swings his stick again, Simba dodges it. Rafiki notices this and asks Simba what he is going to do, to which Simba tells the baboon that he is going to take his stick first.
The lion snatches it away from him and throws it into the grass. However, as soon as Rafiki gets it and turns back, Simba has already left to fight Scar and take back his place as the king of the Pride Lands. Overjoyed, Rafiki proceeds to cheer Simba on from a distance, encouraging him to go back.
Episode 8: Battle of Pride Rock[]
Arriving back home, Simba is shocked at the dry, barren condition that the once green and fertile land is in. As Simba moves through the Pride Lands, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa catch up to help him battle Scar. As they make their way to Pride Rock, they find their way blocked by hyenas, and Simba instructs Timon and Pumbaa to divert the hyenas so that he and Nala can slip past them. Simba then tells Nala to look for Sarabi and rally the rest of the pride while he searches for Scar. He freezes in horror as he hears his mother's name yelled out by Scar, then watches as Sarabi and Scar argue.
Upon seeing Sarabi get struck down by Scar, Simba runs out of hiding to his mother's side. At first, Sarabi mistakes him for Mufasa, but she eventually realizes that it is her son when he tells her that he is home. He and his mother briefly embrace. Simba then confronts his uncle, giving him a choice to either step down from his position or fight, to which Scar promptly refuses. Feeling trapped, Scar resorts to accusing Simba of killing Mufasa, and the young lion doesn't deny it. This news greatly shocks everyone, especially Sarabi.
With Nala and the other lions, including Hasnaa, Alix and Mheetu watching, Scar corners Simba on the edge of Pride Rock, mocking him that his father isn't alive to save him. As Simba slips from the edge, lightning starts a fire below the promontory. While Simba clings to the edge desperately for life, Scar remembers seeing Mufasa in a similar position before he'd died. Scar latches his claws into Simba's paws and whispers into his ear that he is the one who'd killed Mufasa. Filled with shock and rage, Simba immediately leaps from the edge and pins Scar to the ground. Simba forces his uncle to confess out loud, which leads to a tremendous battle. The hyenas ambush Simba, prompting Nala, Hasnaa, Alix, Mheetu and the other lions, Timon, Pumbaa, and Rafiki to charge in and wipe out the hyenas.
After defeating the hyenas, Simba chases his uncle to the summit of Pride Rock, where he finally corners Scar. The old king pleads for mercy as he puts the blame on the hyenas, unaware that they have heard everything. Fed up with all the lies that his uncle has told him, Simba chooses not to kill Scar, because he doesn't want to become the monster that Scar is. Instead, he spares his life by telling Scar to run away and never return, the same words that his uncle had used when Simba was young. Seemingly obeying Simba's orders, Scar begins to slip away slowly, but he suddenly turns around and throws burning embers into Simba's eyes.
The two lions fight ferociously until Scar delivers a hard smack that knocks Simba to the ground. As Scar leaps to finish Simba off, the young lion thinks quickly and flips Scar over the edge of Pride Rock, sending him tumbling down the cliff to the base of Pride Rock. Simba looks down and sees that Scar has survived the fall, though he is slightly dazed from the attack. However, the hyenas, having had enough of Scar's lies and betrayal from earlier, ignore Scar's pleas for forgiveness and jump on him, devouring him alive amongst the flames that engulf Pride Rock.
Episode 9: Birth of Prince Kopa[]
As rain falls on the Pride Lands and extinguishes the fire, Simba walks down to greet Sarabi, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Zazu, and the rest of the pride. Rafiki rattles his stick to get Simba's attention and motions for him to ascend Pride Rock. Simba then walks over to Rafiki, and as Rafiki bows down to him, Simba embraces him before Rafiki tells him that it is time. Simba then climbs up Pride Rock, and as he reaches the promontory, he looks up at a break in the clouds to see a patch of stars, one of which is shining brightly. Upon hearing Mufasa's voice telling him to "remember," Simba gains courage, confidence, and strength, roaring out over his reclaimed kingdom. The rest of the pride roars back in approval.
Sometime later, when the Pride Lands flourish once again, King Simba and his mate Queen Nala, along with their friends Timon and Pumbaa, stand on the promontory of Pride Rock, proudly looking down at the animals who have assembled below Pride Rock. Rafiki then comes in, cradling their firstborn son, as a infant named Prince Kopa. Simba and Nala watch happily as Rafiki lifts the cub up for all the animals to see.
Episode 10: Kopa meets Vitani[]
King Simba was seen walking beside his mate, Queen Nala towards Prince Kopa, who was looking excitedly at the scenery of the pridelands from Pride Rock at dawn. Simba watched his mate, Nala happily announce to Kopa that she was pregnant. Kopa asked Nala if the cub is a boy or girl but she replied that she doesn’t know until the cub is born. Then Simba told Kopa that there is another surprise. Simba took his son, Kopa to the top of Pride Rock. He announces that Kopa is going to be king one day. Kopa was impressed. He asked Simba if all of this land was going to be his. Simba laughs and said yes, as long as he respects the circle of life. Kopa then asks Simba what is the circle of life. He replied that it means that be must respect all the animals around him. Kopa then complained that lions eat the other animals of the Pridelands. Simba then told Kopa that if there are no predators around, there would be too many gazelles and zebras and the Pridelands would be a wasteland as all the grass would be eaten by them. Simba told him when a gazelle is hunted by a member of his pride, they give thanks for the Great Kingdom of the Past as the animal as a spirit now roams freely there. He said that the body of the gazelle decomposed to become the grass, which provides more food for other gazelles to eat. Kopa gasped and excitedly roll on his back. He asked Simba if he could explore the Pridelands. Simba said yes and watched as Kopa bounced down Pride Rock, out of view.
Episode 11: He lives in you[]
In the 11th episode, all the animals return to Pride Rock to welcome the birth of Princess Kiara, the daughter and second born cub of King Simba and Queen Nala. While the king and queen look on proudly, Rafiki holds their cub up for all the kingdom to see. Simba’s son, Kopa looks down on all the animals looking excitedly to see him and his new sister. After the presentation, Kopa was seen playing with an infant Kiara, who looks happily at her. Simba watched from the distance as Vitani, Kopa’s best friend walks up to Kopa to see the new princess.
Episode 12: Rescue of Prince Kopa[]
In the 12th episode, King Simba was seen soundly asleep when his mate, Queen Nala awoke only to find that Prince Kopa was missing. Very worried for his son, Simba went with Nala to search the savannah for him, only to find Zira, a huntress of Pride Rock and the mother of Vitani. Zira’s paws were soaked with blood. Zira lied to Simba that Kopa completed the Circle of Life, by being killed by hyenas. She mentioned that she tried to save his life by fighting the hyenas but it was too late. Simba didn’t believe her since he smelled Kopa’s scent on her paws and sends out a search party of Hasnaa, Alix, Kula, Tojo and Mheetu to find Kopa, hoping that he was still alive. After two days, Simba couldn’t sleep as he was getting countless nightmares about Scar and Kopa being attacked by Zira. The party returned with them looking defeated, Kula who was the leader of the party said to Simba that they couldn’t find Kopa and that he was most likely dead. Simba roared with fury, banished Zira and her family and followers into the outlands. He slumped into the corner of the den in disbelief that his son was supposedly dead. He looks grimly at his surviving daughter, Kiara who was suckling beside Nala. He whispers that he must defend her and that he must survive at all costs.
Episode 13: We are One[]
Three months after Prince Kopa’s supposed death, King Simba becomes extremely overprotective of his only surviving cub of that time, Princess Kiara. One time, when Kiara goes off to play, he warns her to stay away from the Outlands and to stay on the path that he has marked for her.
Nala teases Simba about Kiara's likeness to Simba when he was a cub. Simba confesses his feelings to Nala about how much trouble they'd get themselves into, to which Nala pins him and teases him, telling him that he means the trouble that he'd gotten them into. She and Simba then chuckle as they nuzzle each other in a loving manner, and Simba smiles warmly at her. Nala assures him that Kiara will be fine and goes back into the cave, with Simba watching with an unsure expression. However, as soon as Nala is out of earshot, he sends Timon and Pumbaa after Kiara to watch her anyway.
After he realizes that Kiara has sneaked away from her babysitters, he, along with Nala, Pumbaa, Timon, and two Pride Landers, goes out for her, finding her near the outskirts of the Outlands with an Outsider cub named Kovu. Immediately, Simba jumps in front of Kiara, protecting her.
At the same time, Kovu's mother Zira launches herself in front of her son to protect him. Simba snarls at her. Simba is joined by Nala, Timon, Pumbaa and two lionesses for back up. Zira mockingly gives a cover-up for straying into the Pride Lands. Simba orders Zira to take Kovu and get out since they are now finished with their conversation. Zira laughs menacingly and tells Simba that they have barely begun.
Simba then takes Kiara and walks away, sending Nala and the others ahead so he can have a word with Kiara. Simba reminds her that she has to be queen someday, even though she may not want to be. He reminds her of the great Circle of Life. Simba then tells his daughter that they are a part of each other, with Kiara responding, "Hmph!" This makes Simba playfully smile and nudge her. After embracing her, he sings to her that they are one. As Kiara grows up, Simba turns out to be extremely overprotective of her. One time, when Kiara goes off to play, he warns her to stay away from the Outlands and to stay on the path that he has marked for her.
Nala teases Simba about Kiara's likeness to Simba when he was a cub. Simba confesses his feelings to Nala about how much trouble they'd get themselves into, to which Nala pins him and teases him, telling him that he means the trouble that he'd gotten them into. She and Simba then chuckle as they nuzzle each other in a loving manner, and Simba smiles warmly at her. Nala assures him that Kiara will be fine and goes back into the cave, with Simba watching with an unsure expression. However, as soon as Nala is out of earshot, he sends Timon and Pumbaa after Kiara to watch her anyway.
After he realizes that Kiara has sneaked away from her babysitters, he, along with Nala, Pumbaa, Timon, and two Pride Landers, goes out for her, finding her near the outskirts of the Outlands with an Outsider cub named Kovu. Immediately, Simba jumps in front of Kiara, protecting her.
At the same time, Kovu's mother Zira launches herself in front of her son to protect him. Simba snarls at her. Simba is joined by Nala, Timon, Pumbaa and two lionesses for back up. Zira mockingly gives a cover-up for straying into the Pride Lands. Simba orders Zira to take Kovu and get out since they are now finished with their conversation. Zira laughs menacingly and tells Simba that they have barely begun.
Simba then takes Kiara and walks away, sending Nala and the others ahead so he can have a word with Kiara. Simba reminds her that she has to be queen someday, even though she may not want to be. He reminds her of the great Circle of Life. Simba then tells his daughter that they are a part of each other, with Kiara responding, "Hmph!" This makes Simba playfully smile and nudge her. After embracing her, he sings to her that they are one.
After a time-skip of one month, Prince Kion was born, his third born and second son with Queen Nala. King Simba was seen watching him learn how to walk, as he fell once but got up. He was then seen with his mate, Nala at Kion’s presentation as Rafiki lifts the little golden cub into the air and the animals below bows and cheers in respect. He watched him happily.
Episode 14: Return of the Roar[]
King Simba is shown atop Pride Rock teaching his only daughter and second born cub, Princess Kiara, about how to rule the Pride Lands as the future queen. However, his son, Kion, rudely interrupts the speech as his baobab fruit lands on his father's head. He and his honey badger friend, Bunga, explain that they're playing Baobab Ball, and continue their game in front of the king and future queen. Simba, irritated, tries calling each of their names in turn before exclaiming, "Boys!". He then explains to Kion that Kiara will be tracking gazelles, and sends Bunga and Kion down to the Pride Lands to play instead, hoping that someday Kion will grow up.
Not too long after, Simba, Rafiki, and Nala hear Kion's roar, and Rafiki tells Simba that it is time. Simba is dubious at first since Kion is still just a cub. Nonetheless, when his son arrives back, he tells that Kion that he needs to talk. Although Kion initially mistakes this for a talk about the birds and the bees, Simba assures him that it's not, and he and Rafiki lead him into The Lair of the Lion Guard. Here, Simba explains to his son that it is his destiny to be the leader of the new Lion Guard. He goes on to mention that his great-uncle Scar also had the powers that he now possessed, and that he lost them by using them for evil. He tells his son that it is now up to him to assemble the bravest, fastest, strongest and keenest of sight in all the Pride Lands. He then leaves his son to do his duty.
Later, Simba finds Kion's choices with Bunga, Ono, Fuli, and Beshte selected to be members of the new guard. This infuriates Simba, who reprimands his son as he informs him that this event is no play date, and telling Kion that the Lion Guard has always been made of lions. Kion leaves to do some soul-searching.
Simba then finds out about an attack from the hyenas and rushes to the scene, prepared to fight them off. However, his son and the new Lion Guard have the situation under their control, and together, they manage to frighten the hyenas away. When the new Lion Guard approaches him, he realizes that his son truly made the right choices, and welcomes the new Lion Guard.
Episode 15: Christmas in the Pridelands[]
Prince Kion turns to his family for help in making Timon and Pumbaa's Christmas the best one ever, asking them to take part in a song and performance. King Simba is hesitant at first, but Kiara and Nala are able to persuade him to go through with it after reminding him what Timon and Pumbaa have done for him in the past.
They turn up at Hakuna Matata Falls, where he notices the "strange-looking (Christmas) tree". He believes that they are first to arrive until his son guides him over to a canyon, where a large assortment of animals has already gathered. He turns to Bunga to see what they should do, but Bunga quickly hushes him before realizing just who he is speaking to. The animals then start to rehearse, all through the night.
When the sun starts to peak, the animals still haven't mastered the song. Simba starts to leave, having given it a try. As the other animals mimic his actions, Kion calls for everyone to return, with Bunga pleading them himself. Simba returns to Bunga and gently asks him what's so special about this performance, and he replies that, after all, they've done for him, he just wants to give them something in return. After telling him that his words were just what he wanted to hear, Simba calls for everyone to try again. Shortly after, Simba and his family, plus Tiifu and Zuri, take part in "The Twelve Ways of Christmas", where they play the part of "six leaping lions".
Episode 16: Scar’s Return[]
King Simba and Queen Nala are seen on the peak of Pride Rock, observing the kingdom. Later, Prince Kion informs him of Ma Tembo's difficulty in finding a water source, and Simba patiently reminds his son that it is her responsibility to lead and care for the elephants, and there wasn't much they could do to help. Kion expresses his regret at being unable to help, knowing the pressures of being a new leader. Simba warmly agrees with his son, as he'd had that experience as well. He and Kion reflect upon their path of honor, with Simba stating his pride to have Kion as a son.
Later, Simba's family, as well as Tiifu and Zuri are assembled at Pride Rock, awaiting the introduction of Rafiki's new apprentice.
Kiara questions the progress of Ma Tembo's first water hunt, and Kion denies her having had to luck. After scolding her friends, Kiara asks for permission to help Ma Tembo, and Kion tells her of the probability of her inability to help. Kiara insists upon trying, and Simba states that it was Ma Tembo's responsibility, but he and Nala agree that it would be a good experience for her to work with Ma Tembo. Suddenly, Makini appears, requesting to join Kiara, and introducing herself, much to the exasperation of Rafiki, who arrives behind her. Rafiki formally introduces Makini as his apprentice, and Simba and Nala greet her with warmth.
Placing his paw on her staff, Simba states the honor of being a Royal Mjuzi and extends an invitation for her to visit Pride Rock whenever she wishes. Kiara asks her parents for permission for Makini to join her, and they agree, as the experience of working with her would be needed. Makini joyfully embraces them, and Simba and Nala watch Makini and Kiara depart. Simba and Nala are later seen amongst the crowd of animals surrounding Ma Tembo.
Episode 18: Pridelanders Unite[]
Simba is mentioned when Kion explains that his father didn’t want the Pride Landers to know that Scar had returned, believing the news would frighten them.
Episode 20: Battle of the Pridelands[]
Simba is at Pride Rock with Rafiki watching over the war-stricken Pride Lands. Many months later when Kion and the Guard are adolescents, Kion uses the roar on the Outlanders in their recent battle. Simba arrives, proud of another victory from his son, but mentions that the defensive strategies of the Pride Landers have not stopped Scar's army, and as a result, declares war on the Outlands, claiming it is time to defeat Scar once and for all. Jasiri says that her clan will help too. After coming up with a plan they all race to gather Pride Landers. Later that night Zazu reports that Hadithi and Shujaa have shown up to help. Simba asks Kion to lead the herds to the Outlands. Later that night, Mzingo's flock assault Pride Rock, setting it on fire. With help from Hadithi and Anga, the royal family is free. Soon Scar comes on top of Pride Rock and explains that they can't stop him. When Scar is gone the herds start to worry. Soon Janja comes and says that he knows how to defeat him. At first, Simba dislikes trusting Janja but Makuu convinces him otherwise. He says that Kion should use his roar on him. They set up the plan and get some rest. The next morning Kion and the guard lead the herds against Outlanders.
Episode 22: Journey to the Tree of Life[]
In the 22nd episode, the Lion Guard brings Kion and Ono to Rafiki, who have received workplace injuries in the war. Rafiki says that there's nothing he can do about Ono's eye. However, for Kion's scar, he says to go to the Tree of Life, where Ono might get healed too. Anga soon becomes the new Keenest of sight while Ono becomes the smartest. Now with six members on the guard, they leave the Pridelands. Nala and Simba wish them good luck and are hoping to come back before Princess Kiara's first hunt.
Episode 23: Kiara’s First Hunt[]
1 month later, Princess Kiara pleads with Simba to let her hunt on her own. He promises this to her, but he once again sends Timon and Pumbaa to watch her anyway, thus deliberately breaking his promise. A few hours later, Simba paces nervously on Pride Rock, where Zazu reassures him that Kiara will be fine. Suddenly, Simba notices smoke on the horizon as Zira's plan goes into action. He and Nala race to Kiara, only to find her talking to Kovu.
Simba roars menacingly at Kovu as Kiara reminds him that he has broken his promise, to which Simba, out of fear of losing her again, forbids any more hunting trips for her.
Just then, Rafiki appears and brings up the fact that Kovu has saved Kiara's life. When Simba asks him why Kovu asks to join his pride. Simba initially refuses, but Zazu tells him that his father's law demands all debts be paid. In repayment for his daughter's life, an agitated Simba reluctantly lets Kovu join the pride, but he doesn't allow him to sleep with the pride.
That night, Simba has a nightmare about the stampede in which he had lost his father years ago. In the nightmare, Simba tries to save his father, who is hanging on to a cliff face. As Simba reaches down, he realizes that Scar is looking over him, laughing maniacally. Simba strains to reach Mufasa, but Scar grabs him, allowing Mufasa to slip away from Simba and fall to his death. Simba cries out, then turns on Scar, who morphs into Kovu. Simba reacts with shock before Kovu throws him to his death, which snaps Simba out of his dream. He is frightened at first, but starts to calm down once he realizes that it had simply been a dream. He looks at Nala, who is peacefully sleeping, then goes back to sleep, still uneasy but more relaxed.
Episode 27: Kovu’s Exile[]
The next morning, Simba has a drink at a water hole. Unknown to him, Kovu is behind him, ready to kill. Luckily, Kiara turns up, wanting her hunting lesson, so Kovu is drawn away. That night, Simba looks down on Kiara and Kovu stargazing together and asks Mufasa for guidance. Nala walks up beside him and tells him to trust Kovu more. That evening, Simba lets Kovu sleep with the rest of the pride in the cave, as it is a fairly cold night.
The next morning, Simba walks in on Kovu about to tell Kiara about Zira's plan, telling his daughter that he doesn't want her talking with him, only to say in a much calmer tone that he wants to talk with him. This makes Kiara brighten up, and Simba smiles and winks at her before walking off with Kovu, with Kiara watching from a distance. During the long walk, Simba explains to Kovu how Scar's hatred had led to his demise. As they are walking, Zira, Nuka, Vitani, and the other Outsiders surround them. Zira teasingly asks Simba what he is doing outside "so alone." Zira then congratulates Kovu for bringing Simba with him and adds, "Just like we've always planned."
Feeling betrayed, Simba angrily snarls at Kovu, now believing him to be behind the plan. In response, a scared Kovu denies this and tries to reason with Simba that he really didn't have anything to do with Zira's plan. Simba is then attacked by the Outsiders on Zira's orders. Simba slides down a cliff, and the Outsiders attack. He runs into a gorge and climbs up a dam.
Just as he's climbing, Nuka grabs his ankle, pulling him down. Simba pushes himself up, dislodging logs, which tumble down and crush Nuka to death. This greatly shocks Zira and Vitani. The entire pride mourns the death of their family member. Simba escapes and weakly makes his way back to the Pride Lands, where he manages to whisper to Kiara, Timon, and Pumbaa about what has happened before he collapses due to extreme exhaustion. They help him back to Pride Rock, where he recovers.
When Kovu returns, Simba confronts him, asking why he's come back. Kovu asks for forgiveness, but Simba doesn't believe Kovu. Kiara tries to persuade Simba to listen to Kovu, but he tells her to be silent and then exiles Kovu, to Kiara's dismay.
Kiara then quarrels with her father, pleading with him to reconsider, but Simba replies by forbidding her to leave Pride Rock unescorted, saying that Kovu used her to get to him and that he knows Kovu is following in Scar's pawprints and that he must follow in his father's. Kiara angrily yells at him that he will never be Mufasa. This comment hurts and shocks Simba immensely as he looked sadly as Kiara went inside the cave of Pride Rock.
Episode 28: Love will Find a Way[]
King Simba watches sadly while his only daughter, Princess Kiara runs into Pride Rock before sneaking away to find her love, Kovu. That night, rain descends on the Pride Lands, and Simba asks Timon and Pumbaa where Kiara is. When they said that she is missing, Simba broke into a furious roar.
Episode 29: The Great Battle[]
Zazu informs King Simba that the Outsiders are on the attack. Simba commands Zazu to find Kiara and assembles the lionesses, ready for battle. When they approach the Outsiders, Simba gives Zira a final chance to go home. Zira tells Simba that she is home and commands her troops to attack.
After a bitter battle, Zira jumps down off her rock, ready to attack Simba herself. Just as they are about to go into a one-on-one duel, Kiara jumps in front of her father, and Kovu jumps in front of his mother. Simba tells his daughter to stay out of the fight, but Kiara tells him that the fight has to stop. Concurrently, Zira tells Kovu to move, and Kovu tells Zira that he won't let her hurt Kiara or Simba. Kiara reminds Simba that they are "one" and asks if he sees any differences between his pride and the Outsiders.
As Simba realizes his daughter's words, the rain stops, and the sun shines down from the clouds. Simba then nuzzles his daughter as they reconcile. Zira orders Vitani to attack Simba, but she refuses to do so and crosses onto his side, as do the rest of the Outsiders. Zira, realizing that she is losing, tries one more time to attack Simba, but as she jumps for him, Kiara leaps in her way and fights her off.
Shocked, Simba jumps down after them just as Zira slips away into the water below. When Zira is gone, Simba reaches his daughter and helps her back up the cliff, where she is hugged by a relieved Nala. When Kiara is reunited with Kovu, Simba apologizes to him, finally admitting that he was wrong. He accepts Kovu and the Outsiders into his pride, and they all return home together.
Episode 30: Kiara and Kovu’s Wedding[]
In the 30th episode, King Simba, his mate, Queen Nala and all the other lions watch as Rafiki blesses the union of his only daughter, Princess Kiara and her new mate, Kovu. Simba, Nala, and the new couple make their way to the top of Pride Rock and roar over their kingdom, with the rest of the pride roaring back in reply.
As Simba looks down proudly at the rejoicing animals who have gathered around Pride Rock, the sky opens up and Simba hears his father's spirit say, "Well done, my son. We are one."
Episode 31: Return to the Pridelands[]
King Simba and Queen Nala are on top of Pride Rock when his third born cub and second son, Prince Kion comes home. They are overjoyed to see him and Simba welcomes him home as he and Nala embrace him. Nala is still concerned about Kion's scar, but he says he will always have it and that he is healed. The rest of the guard comes up and Simba asks how their journey was. Beshte says that everyone found something special at the Tree of Life. Simba meets the guard's new friend Azaad who helped them get back to the Pride Lands. Simba explains what happened to Zira and why and how Kovu and Vitani have joined their pride. Soon, Timon, Pumbaa, and Basi come and reunite with Bunga and Beshte. That night, Simba and his family talk to Mufasa up in the clouds then head inside Pride Rock.
Episode 32: Battle of the Lion Guards[]
In the 32nd episode, Kion's guard and Vitani's guard have a contest to see who will be the next Lion guard. Kion decides to give up his Roar then Askari appears in the clouds to congratulate Kion on his mastery of the Roar.
Episode 33: Kion and Rani’s Coronation[]
King Simba’s second son, Prince Kion and his old guard decided to go back to the Tree of Life and help the Night Pride. Simba proudly watches as Kion becomes King of the Tree of Life and marries Queen Rani.
Episode 34: Kopa’s Return[]
King Simba was seen with his mate, Queen Nala, looking dumbfounded when his lost first born son, Prince Kopa return from the ‘dead.’ Kopa explained how he was rescued by Azaad after being attacked by Zira and how he was healed and lived at the Tree of Life. Simba then said farewells to him as he heads into the Lair of the Lion Guard nervously to see his lost best friend, Vitani.
Episode 35: The Circle of Life Continues[]
King Simba was seen amongst the crowd of lions of Simba’s Pride and other animals during Prince Bakari’s Presentation (first-born son of Princess Kiara and Kovu.) He was later seen after a time skip at Kiara and Kovu’s second cub, Akina’s presentation, happily watching as the princess gets presented to all of the Pridelands to see.
Episode 36: Kopa and Vitani’s Cubs[]
King Simba was seen watching as Prince Kopa and Vitani’s cubs, Maua and Ishara play.
Episode 37: The Conclusion[]
In the last episode of The Lion King Epic Trilogy, King Simba was seen beside his mate, Queen Nala being asked by his daughter, Princess Kiara and her mate, Kovu for the position of king and queen. However, he politely refuses, saying that they were not ready yet and that it was not long until he is at the age which kings are allowed to retire from their position. He was last seen extensively training Princess Kiara and Kovu to be become king and queen of Pride Rock.
Mother: Sarabi
Father: Mufasa
Adopted Fathers: Timon and Pumbaa
Adopted Brother: Bunga
Adopted Sister in law: Binga
Adopted Nephew: Saka
Mate: Nala
Daughter: Kiara
Granddaughters: Maua, Ishara, Akina and Janya
Grandsons: Bakari, Raja and Moto II
Grandfathers: Mkumila and Ahadi
Great-Grandmothers: Ziwa, Dharini and Chiku
Great-Grandfathers: Moto I, Mahin and Mohatu
Uncle: Scar
Aunts: Diku, Dwala, Naanda, and Adea
Brother in law: Mheetu
Sister in law: Tama
Nephew: Maji
Mother in law: Sarafina
Father in law: Mkali
Daughter in laws: Vitani and Rani
Son in law: Kovu
Grandmother in law: Nya
Grandfather in law: Ndege
Great Uncles: Kiongozi, Masego, and Obasi
Great Aunts: Avania, Afia, and Eshe
Adopted Grandmother: Bella (aka Ma)
Adopted Great Uncle: Uncle Max