The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Simba's pride

Note: "Kovu's pride" also links here. This article does not refer to the 1998 film.

Simba's pride is the most spotlighted group of lions in Caldafox's fanfics. It was ruled by Simba for several years, until he retired and passed on leadership to his daughter, Kiara, and her mate, Kovu.



  • Sarabi (formerly, retired)
  • Zira (presumably/briefly)
  • Nala (formerly, retired)
  • Kiara (presently)


Simba's pride was originally led peacefully by Simba's father, Mufasa, until Scar killed him so he could assume the throne. Simba was driven into self-exile after Scar blamed him, then still a cub, for his father's death, and Scar became the leader for several years. The pride suffered a drought and famine.

After Nala found Simba in the jungle years later, and after Mufasa spoke to Simba in the clouds, Simba went back to the Pride Lands to confront his uncle. A large battle ensued, in which Scar revealed that he had killed Mufasa, not Simba, and Scar was ultimately eaten by his hyena minions, whom he'd betrayed.

Simba and Nala, now mates, rightfully assumed leadership after Scar's death, and had 3 cubs. After their son, Kopa, ran off, Kiara, their second oldest, became the new heir for leadership, while her brother Kion formed a Lion Guard to protect the Pride Lands. As it turns out, several lionesses, led by Zira, Scar's most devoted follower, were loyal to Scar during his reign, so Simba banished them to the Outlands after Kopa was born. For years the two prides were at rivalry, until Kiara and Kovu, Zira's son who Scar had chosen as his heir, fell in love and, later in the battle between the two prides, convinced Simba that as lions, "we are one". The rest of Zira's pride sided with Vitani, Zira's daughter, who was the first to realize Zira was wrong for starting this war, while Zira fell to her death in a rushing river.

Kovu and Kiara were married, and both prides were unified. Kion became the King of the Tree of Life in Asia, while Vitani became the new leader of the Lion Guard.

Many months later, Kopa unexpectedly returned, and, after marrying Vitani, the two became the heir-understudies for Kovu and Kiara, meaning they would fill in for them when needed. Simba and Nala retired and gave leadership to Kovu and Kiara, who also had 3 cubs of their own. Now the pride is ruled by Kovu and Kiara.

Physical appearances[]

Most of the lions in Simba's pride are muscular and well-groomed. The fur color of most ranged from beige, creamy, golden, yellow or medium brown. However, since the Outsiders' joining into the pride, there is a larger range of fur color and builds amongst the lionesses. These lionesses mostly have longer faces and some scruffy features; they have filled out since joining the pride, though. The color of manes amongst males ranges from black to orange to brown to dark brown. Most all of the members have unique physical appearances now, especially the cubs of former Outsider lionesses x Pride Lander males.


The members all have a strong loyalty to one another, their homeland and their Pride Rock. Many of them are skilled in hunting and navigating. Most of the former Outsiders prefer to hang out with each other and are more laid back and grumpy. However, some are friendly and sweet, and every individual's personality varies a little. Most of the original members of the pride are friendly and curious.


  • Simba (fulfilled kingship)
  • Kovu (fulfilling kingship, but not as Zira had hoped)
  • Badru (next in line)


Pride Lander lionesses[]

Former Outsider lionesses[]


Cubs (currently)[]

Temporary members[]

Former members[]

Enemies of the Pride[]



  • The pride has become quite large now, because of the unifying of the Pride Landers and Outsiders, and because of the amount of cubs recently born.
  • Asante is the only hyena to have ever dwelled in the pride, even if it was only for a few days.
  • "Heir-understudies" has never been recorded to have happened any other time.
  • Currently, there are more males in the pride than other times before. There are also much more cubs.
  • Kula's mother is the only member who sometime stays at another pride, that of her daughter and son-in-law.

