The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ushari and Shupavu have been friends for three years. They knew each other and were friends, but from the skink's side it was more than friendship.

Shupavu decided to confess her love, not for the consequences.

Shupavu call Ushari

When Ushari slithers past the tree, she called him by name, and the cobra turned away.

- Hi, Ushari - said Shupavu

- Hi - said the snake

- Listen, I know it sounds strange, so do not be surprised, okay ?- started skink

- Ok - said Ushari

- I love you - said Shupavu

- You.... YOU WHAT ?!!! - said Ushari in shock

- I know that it's strange, but I really love you - the lizard insisted

- We are friends, I did not expect from you ... confession of love - said the snake

- We could try, we don't ? - said Shupavu

- Of coursssse we can, but what said other skinks ? - asked Ushari

- Other skinks do not care about me, I fight for my happiness, and group must accept it - said female

- Okay - said Ushari.


This story is surprising for the members of this wiki, but I think this story is fun.

It's based on my own idea, I did not copy it from nowhere.

Please, comment my idea :)))
