Shabaha is a former Outsider lioness. She is the bravest member of Vitani's Lion Guard.
Physical appearance[]
Shabaha is a dark grayish-brown colored lioness with a dark stripe and tuft of hair on her head. Her hooked nose is reddish-brown in color. She has a pointed chin and lighter colored muzzle, chest, stomach and paws. The top of her ears is a darker color, and she has thick eyebrows. Her tail tip is dark colored.
She is portrayed as outgoing, tough, and sort of obnoxious. She often makes side comments or "butts into" a conversation randomly. Sometimes she is portrayed as straightforward. Shabaha is confident about her bravery and willing to face a challenge.
- One of her traits is a manic-like laugh, which she uses when facing opponents or thrilled.
- She is not as spotlighted as much as her fellow Guard members Imara and Kasi in Caldafox's first fanfic.
- Shabaha means "target" in Swahili.
- She appears to not be too fond of cubs.