The Lion King Fanon Wiki
What do you kids want?
―Scruffy, towards Kheri's Lion Guard

Scruffy is a former Outsider lioness.

Physical appearance[]

Scruffy is a gray-colored lioness with red eyes. She has a noticeable clump of fur on her neck, which is where her name derives from. She also has a black hooked nose and red eyes.


She is portrayed as a reserved lioness who only likes hanging out with her closest friends. She does not like to be bothered.


  • She is now a skilled huntress in Simba's pride.
  • She is related to several of the former Outsider lionesses.
  • She is acquainted with Vitani.
  • She was named by fans in 2004.
  • Often, Kasi leaves her daughter, Kamaria, in the care of Scruffy and other former Outsiders.