The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Go out there and give the Pride Landers a fight they'll remember, but don't stop Kion and his Lion Guard from reaching the volcano.
Scar to the army

Scar's Army was a group of Outlanders led by the vengeful spirit of Scar that wished to take over the Pride Lands.

They were the main antagonists of Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands.



The army formed when Ushari, Kucha's Clan, Janja's Clan, Shupavu's Group, and Reth's Pride, seeking to take over the Pride Lands, brought Scar back. Over time, Reirei and her pack, Mzingo's Committee, Kiburi's Float, and many other villains became part of the army.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Simba asserts that with the Royal Summit, maintaining the bonds between the other kingdoms is important, especially after the battle with Scar and the Outlanders. During the summit, Simba exclaims that they will overcome the dry season like they did with Scar and his forces, earning the confusion of Kuro, and he explains that the Lion Guard and their allies fought in clashes with both the Outlanders and Scar until his defeat in a final battle.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Scar rallies his full army in the Outlands Volcano, beginning his siege on the Pride Lands. He orders all three hyena clans to conquer Chekundu Cliffs, the jackals and crocodiles to take over Mizimu Grove, and the vultures to set Kilio Valley on fire. Zazu sees the army cross the border, and he warns Simba, who tells him to inform the Lion Guard. Upon finding out, Kion splits the Guard up to combat the army, but it soon becomes clear that they aren't winning. Simba orders animals from the various delegations to help them, and they join the fight against the army.

Shortly after, the army continues their attacks, but struggles against Kion's army, having little success. Minutes after Scar's appearance at Pride Rock, Reth's Pride and Mzingo's Committee attack Maumivu Thorn Patch and Acacia Grove, respectively. Mhina and his siblings head to the thorn patch while the Lion Guard prepares to handle the vultures. Later, Scar assembles his fully army and orders them to put up a good fight, but to avoid stopping the Lion Guard. They charge into the battle and eventually retreat, with Jasiri noting that they fought well.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Anga states that Kion and Mhina have grown closer since the fight with Scar's army. Meanwhile, Mhina notes that his and Kion's chemistry has been different after fighting Scar and his army, having been barely a full moon since that time. While speaking to Makini at Pratibimba, Nguruma mentions that his parents developed paranoia amidst the crisis with Scar's army.


Following the vanquishment of Scar, the army's members returned to life as normal in the Outlands. However, Reth and his pride swore revenge on the Lion Guard and Mhina for their defeat and would proceed to follow them to the Tree of Life to get vengeance.



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Other Members[]

Shupavu's Group[]

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Kucha's Clan[]

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Janja's Clan[]

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Reirei's Pack[]

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Kiburi's Float[]

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Mzingo's Committee[]

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Reth's Pride[]

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Additional Menbers[]

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