The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Look, lion. I understand you and your pride might be exhausted. But if you take most of our land, our kits might not survive the next cold season, not to mention our elders. This is final. Take your leave.
―Saumu ordering Reth to leave his camp

Saumu is a male Pallas' cat. He is the mate of Auri and the father of Addae and Jurni. He is the leader of a group of felines that live at the Tree of Life.

Appearance []

Saumu has a rose-gray pelt with white eyerims and white extending from the lower half of his face down to his chest and underbelly; two bands on his tail are also white. He has faded black stripes and spots on his face and tail, and his paws are cream. He has a dark gray nosebridge, two-toned dark pink inner ears, a dark pink nose, white whiskers, and green eyes with yellow sclerae.


Saumu has a reputation as a figure of power who instills respect in every creature, even his enemies. His physical strength is not his only symbol of power, for his very voice and manner is often enough to draw the attention of others. Despite his strong exterior, Saumu is shown to be kindhearted and playful, showing respect for all creatures, even those who are perceived as lower than himself.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Saumu is one of the many animals gathered outside Pride Rock.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Saumu and his pounce are peacefully settled within their camp when Reth walks in, demanding to speak to their leader. Saumu approaches him, uneasily asking how he can help him, and he requests to have most of the cats' hunting territory to his pride. Saumu, feeling intimidated, protests that they can't do that, as they have kits to feed. Reth growls that his pride just traveled here, questioning why the cat is being so rude, and Auri whispers to her mate that she doesn't like the sound of this. Fighting for a response, Saumu orders Reth to leave, refusing to let his kits and elders go hungry during the next cold season. Reth seemingly obliges, growling that they'll shelter somewhere else, terrifying Saumu by the amount of venom in his tone. However, he turns back and commands his pride to attack, launching himself at Saumu and sending him flying into a thicket, leaving him unconscious. Auri shrieks her mate's name, but manages to rally the group of cats into fighting. Ullu and Cara see Saumu bleeding on the ground and the brewing battle, flying off to warn the Lion Guard, Night Pride, and Kingiza.

Once they find out, they rush to Marsh Forest while Anga and Baliyo warn Kion of what's happening at the base of Cikha Escarpment. Eventually, Reth is outmatched and retreats, but not before promising that their next attack will be much more morbid than ever. During the final battle for the Tree of Life, the cats are again attacked by Reth's Pride. Saumu leaps at Reth in a try to claw out his eyes, but he sees through his actions and tears his shoulder open, drenching it in blood. Taunting that sticks and stones can't break him, but his pain excites him, Reth then grabs Saumu by his injured leg and throws him aside, breaking something, and Auri calls for a retreat to Marsh Forest. Reth and his pride give chase, but soon leave the cats in favor of different prey. The predators are soon defeated and sent out of the Tree of Life for good.


Trivia []

  • Saumu is voiced by Lou Diamond Phillips.