The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Hmm, what do you think, Queen Sarabi?
―Sarafina asking Queen Sarabi if her daughter, Nala, can go to the ‘waterhole’ with her best friend, Prince Simba.

Sarafina was an African lioness, a huntress and cub carer of Simba's Pride. She is a Great Lion of the Past. She was the daughter of Nya and Ndege, the mate of Mkali, and the mother of Queen Nala and Mheetu.


Sarafina had tan fur, teal eyes and purple nose. Her muzzle and underbelly was lighter in colour. She lacked ear rims and her paws were colorless. Her muzzle was medium sized, and she had a rounded build.


Though Sarafina's personality is not explored in the film, she is an important character in an inspired book series, which reveals her to be a protective mother with a good amount of sense and resourcefulness. She can be pretty easygoing with her daughter when times are good, but when danger runs rampant, Sarafina is sure to be guiding Nala to safety. Sarafina is confident in keeping Nala safe, even if the rambunctious cub's antics get in the way.


Mother: Nya

Father: Ndege

Mate: Mkali

Daughter: Nala

Son: Mheetu

Granddaughter: Kiara

Grandsons: Kopa, Kion and Maji

Great-Grandaughters: Maua, Ishara, Akina and Janya

Great-Grandsons: Bakari, Raja and Moto II

Grandmothers: Jani and Jasiri (lioness)

Grandfathers: Wimbo and Kunuka

Daughter in law: Tama

Son in law: Simba

Daughter in law: Tama

Granddaughter in laws: Vitani and Rani

Grandson in law: Kovu

Uncle: Mungu
