The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Salamu is a female mandrill that lived at the Tree of Life. She served as the Royal Mjuzi for Bahan and Berenike and Janna and Dayaalu.


Salamu is dark gray with a brown mane and blue markings on her face. She has dark gray feet and fingers, a pale belly, and sea-green eyes.


Salamu is fussy and pessimistic. She is also vivid and careful.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Janna suggests tellling Makini and Nguruma about the herbs discovered by Salamu when she served as the Tree of Life's Mjuzi, and Kenene notes that her paintings taught her about those herbs. Janna recalls ruling alongside Dayaalu and Salamu, and Makini requests to hear more about Salamu. Later, Kenene reveals that Salamu would come to the Tree of Life sometime after its founding, her arrival being prophesied to Bahan, and her medical knowledge would be passed down from generation to generation. Some time afterward, when Janna reveals that she'll tell the story of how Askari put out a fire at the Tree of Life, to which Kenene responds that she's only seen the cave paintings of it that Salamu made. In the story, during a drought at the Tree, Salamu's herb supply had run dry - and because the sick and injured couldn't be cured, animals began to die. However, after Askari put out a fire at the Tree of Life caused by dry lightning, he became enshrined in legend, and his heroics were chronicled in paintings left behind by Salamu.


  • Salamu is voiced by Catherine Tate.