The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Safiya is a lion cub. She is the daughter of Kopa and Vitani and the sister of Nuka II.

Physical appearance[]

Safiya is a creamish colored lion cub with dark brown paws. Her chest is tannish golden, as is her muzzle and stomach. She sports a brown forehead stripe that goes down her back. Her eyes are purple, and she has a dark magenta nose and brown tail tip.


Safiya is curious, kind and loyal. She often puts others' needs before her own and is friendly and sweet. Affectionate towards family, she can sometimes be slightly shy towards strangers, but usually opens up after a while. As she grows, she is more outgoing. Safiya is often soft-spoken and hardly acts rebellious.


  • Her name means "pure" in Swahili.
  • It is unclear who is older: her or Nuka II.
  • As the child of a former Prince, Safiya is fourth in line for succession.
  • Safiya gets her brown paws from her uncle Kovu, and her forehead stripe is inherited from her grandmother Zira.
  • She is very affectionate with her family.
  • She serves as the Keenest of Sight in Kheri's junior Lion Guard.
  • Safiya is supportive of her brother's feelings for Majuto.
  • She loved to follow her mother around when she was a young cub.
  • Until Miya is born later, Safiya is the youngest cub in the Pride Lands. She does not act it, though.