The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Kion: Kopa, are you coming with us?

Kopa: I am. I want to see mom and dad.

Kion: Okay. Goodbye, Night Pride.

Rani: Bye, Kion. I hope you visit.

Fuli: How quickly can we get there?

Kion: I’m not sure. If we move fast, and try not to get delayed, probably pretty quick.

Beshte: And we already know what’s coming.

Ono: Indeed. There’s no surprise.

The Lion Guard runs out of the mountain pass, and towards the desert. By the time they reach the stone, it is about sunset.

Kion: Great, it’s becoming night. Once we’re out of the desert, we can rest.

(Click here.)

Fuli: We’re at the bamboo forest. Pretty close.

Bunga: How come last time, it took so long?

Beshte: Kion and Ono were hurt. And we stopped to help everyone.

Anga: Yep.

Kion: Look, we’re at the mountain.

Fuli: Kion, can we stop for a bit?

Kion: Sure. Let’s rest here.

After the Guard rests...

Kion: Come on. This speed should get us to the Back Lands.

Ono: I can see it from here. The border.

(At the border, the Guard passes through quickly.

Kopa: It’s the Outlands!

Kion: Yeah. Come on.

Fuli: We are officially home.
