Reth's Pride is a pride of lions led by Reth that live in the Outlands. They are allied with the Outlanders.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
A Celebration in the Pride Lands[]
Reth's Pride, upon hearing about Kupatana, attempts to crash the celebration. They are soon send flying backwards by Kion's Roar of the Elders.
The Pride Lands Games[]
Beshte comments that it has been peaceful since Reth's Pride crashed the Kupatana celebration.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
Per instructions from Ushari, Reth orders Shupavu to gather Slash and the rest of his pride. They attack Nguruma, Timon, and Pumbaa at Lake Shangaza, but Kion roars them back. Later, the pride attacks Wema at the watering hole, but they are defeated by the Lion Guard and their allies before harm is done. They meet with Ushari and other Outlanders at Broken Rock, and learn that they can summon Scar if they obtain a bakora staff and powerful roar. Once the staff is obtained, Ushari orders Shupavu to fetch Reth's Pride, and she scurries off to do so. Some time afterward, Scar orders Shupavu to fetch Reth's Pride and Janja's Clan for attacks. Reth's Pride go after Frerin, Nguruma, and Makini at the watering hole, and Kion, Beshte, Ma Tembo, and Makuu arrive to stop them. After an intense confrontation, Ma Tembo and Makuu scare the pride, and they run back to the Outlands.
When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Reth's Pride is gathered inside the volcano. Shortly after, Reth's Pride kidnaps Ayana from Pride Rock, holding her hostage at Rocky Plateau. Zazu warns Fuli that they are about to drop her, and Fuli speeds to Rocky Plateau, confronting the pride and demanding that they let her go. Kariuki "obliges," throwing Ayana to what is seemingly her demise. However, Anga and Hadithi rescue her, and Hadithi's bird army attacks Reth's Pride. Fuli returns to Pride Rock with Ayana, explaining that Reth's Pride kidnapped her to her grandparents, and repeating this information to Kion at Chakula Plains. Despite their defeat at Rocky Plateau, Reth's Pride does not give up, and they proceed to attack Maumivu Thorn Patch. Upon finding out from Ono, Mhina offers for him and his siblings to fight them, which Kion reluctantly agrees to, and they rush off. They charge into the battle, and Kariuki scars Mhina over his eye permanently. Deeming their task complete, Slash orders the pride to retreat to Reth, and they run off. Following their defeat in the battle, Reth gathers the pride and swears revenge against the Lion Guard and Mhina.
Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]
Nyeusi reveals to Reth's Pride that the Lion Guard and their friends are going to the Tree of Life, a safe haven for animals. Reth, delighted by the news, decides that they will follow them in order to enact revenge for being defeated in the battle, and he begins to lead the pride to the border. Soon, they meet Makucha's Leap and Ora's Bank at the waterfall, and Reth reveals their intentions to get revenge on the Lion Guard. Makucha proposes an alliance between the groups, which Ora accepts, but Reth refuses, wanting his pride to remain independent. Soon, Reth's Pride arrives at the Mountain Pass, preparing to launch an attack. Upon getting the chance, the pride splits up and attack Marsh Forest and the Tundra. Ullu notices them and warns Kion and Nirmala, admitting that they must have gotten past her and Cara while they were asleep. Kion says that Reth's Pride must be driven off, but Nirmala urges him to stay at Dirisha until he finishes his task. At Marsh Forest, there is an all-out war going on between Fuli, Rani, and Mhina fight Reth, Slash, Alasiri, and Ekene; the latter are also attempting to go after Astuto's Leash.
Eventually, Kion completes his task and rushes to Marsh Forest, fighting Reth and growling at him to get out. Reth obliges, but warns that they'll be back. He calls a retreat, making the pride dash off. After they have left, Rani demands why Reth's Pride is at the Tree of Life, and Kion realizes that they were followed, much to her ire. Later, Rani mutters that Reth's Pride isn't waiting to launch another attack, and Kion promises to drive them away. After Mama Binturong's Army attacks Cek's Flock, Rani mutters that more predators attacking is the last thing they need, as they already have to deal with Reth's Pride. Mhina asks if it's the latter, and Ullu shakes her head. Following the defeat of the predators, Rani snaps at Kion that they're just as bad as Reth's Pride, but Mhina reassures her that they never meant for them or the army to follow them in the first place. Later, Kion admits to Mhina that he still feels responsible for leading Makucha's Leap and Reth's Pride to the Tree of Life, but Mhina reminds him that they followed them on their own free will. In Marsh Forest, Kingiza reassures Rani that the predators won't stand a chance against them, as they'll be ready for their next attacks. Some time afterward, Reth and his pride advance through the Mountain Pass and into Marsh Forest, intending to attack Saumu's Pounce.
Reth infiltrates the camp, and after catching the cats off guard, commands his pride to attack. The cats are hardly able to stand their own ground against the lions due to their lack of strength, putting them in extreme danger of being killed. Ullu and Cara, noticing the violent battle, immediately warn the Lion Guard, Night Pride, and Kingiza, and while most of the patrol heads to Marsh Forest, Anga and Baliyo find Kion. Upon being notified of Reth's Pride attacking, Kion is terrified and runs to Marsh Forest. Eventually, the tide is turned on Reth's Pride, and Reth retreats with his pride. However, before leaving, he warns everyone that their next attack will be more morbid than this one, and with one wrong move, all of them will fall. While speaking to Mufasa, Kion informs him of Reth's Pride attacking Saumu's Pounce and how we saved Mhina's life. Meanwhile, Bunga suggests that Kion and Mhina could be spending more time together, as they have been rather close after the battle with Reth's Pride. At the Willows, Mhina notes that his and Kion's chemistry has changed following the fight with Reth and his pride.
As he speaks with Makini at Pratibimba, Nguruma admits that he was terrified to step out of Pride Rock after being nearly drowned by Reth's Pride. Later, Mhina notes that the strange lion is not a member of Reth's Pride. At the same time, Reth announces to his pride that they are immediately beginning their final attack, and promptly, they chase after Saumu's Group again before going for other animals. They are then split up by Kion and Rani and soon defeated when Kion summons a tornado with the Roar of the Elders, sweeping them and the other predators up and sending them far away. Weeks later, Jivin, Maya, and Rani thank the Lion Guard for stopping Mama's army and Reth's Pride.
Name | Information | Position | Status | Picture |
Reth | Reth is the leader of the pride. | Leader | Unknown | ![]() |
Kariuki | Kariuki is a member of the pride. | Member | Unknown | ![]() |
Alasiri | Alasiri is a member of the pride. | Member | Unknown | ![]() |
Ekene | Ekene is a member of the pride. | Member | Unknown | ![]() |
Slash | Slash is the second-in-command of the pride. | Second-in-command | Unknown | ![]() |
- It is unknown what happened to Reth's Pride following the events of The Dark Prophecy. However, they will not be returning as antagonists in the series.