The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Rani is one of the characters of the upcoming fanfiction: Lion Guard Rewritten. She is the leader of the Night Pride and eventually ascends the throne becoming Queen of the Tree of Life with Kopa as both her King and mate.


Physical Appearance[]

Rani is a slender young lioness who has chestnut fur with a dark brown stripe running down her back. The top of her ears are lined with a similar brown, and her pink inner ears have dark brown fur underneath. She has a red nose and her eyes are chocolate brown, and just above them is tawny, with the lower half becoming lighter.

This brown-cream color is also present on her muzzle, her underbelly, and her paws. The back of her legs contains dark markings, similar to Kion's. The tip of her tail is dark brown. She also has a scar on her lower right foreleg from unknown circumstances.


Rani is a strong-willed and kind-hearted lioness who takes her duty as a leader seriously, prioritizing the safety of the animals in the Tree of Life. However, she can be quite short-tempered and moody, assuming things before thinking it through and sometimes let her emotions got the better of her, a lesson which she later learned.

Beneath Rani's strong attitude, she actually hides her insecurity at the prospect of becoming the next queen, feeling that she's not ready or good enough yet to rule. With Kion and Makini's help, Rani eventually able to overcome her inner doubts and embraces her role as queen. After becoming the queen, Rani grows calmer and wiser in taking action and decisions, earning her deeper respect from her subjects.




Rani loves her mother and father very much. She talks to them in the same way as Kion does to his grandfather, Mufasa. She asks them if she should let the Lion Guard into the Tree of Life. They give her advice and she moves on.


Rani is Ãnanda's daughter. She seeks advice when she is unsure about being Queen. They have a loving mother-daughter relationship and are always there for each other.


Rani is Sãhasí's daughter. In "The Tree of Life" when Kion and his friends were at the Mountain Pass Rani was unsure if she should let them in. She goes to talk to her father and mother and ask for advice. After listing to her parents she decided to let them in.


