Queen Rani is an Asiatic lioness and the queen of the Tree of Life. She is also the leader of the Night Pride. She is the only daughter of Princess Ãnanda and Prince Sãhasí, the older sister of Prince Baliyo, the mate of King Kion and the mother of Prince Raja, Princess Janya and Prince Moto II.
Overall Description[]
Rani has brown fur with a hint of red, large dark brown eyes and a dark purple nose. Her ears are rimmed with two shades of brown. Her muzzle, paws, and underbelly is a lighter colour. She has a darker brown stripe running down her back. Her tail tuft is very dark brown. Her muzzle is small and she is lithe. She has a scar on her her right foreleg. She also has a blue mark on her forehead to signifiy her role as queen. Her Night Pride mark is very dark brown in colour.
As an infant, she had lighter fur colour than her adult counterpart. She also had a light pink nose instead of her purple nose. She had spots on her body and her tail tuft is not very defined. She lacked the mark of the Night Pride since she is not old enough to become the leader of the Night Pride. She also lacks the blue mark on her forehead, since she is not queen, but rather the princess of the Tree of Life.
As a cub, Rani lost her spots and her tail tuft is more defined. Her fur colour also darkened, condsiderably. At some point of her cubhood, after being hit by a sharp rock caused by Shaitaan's rockslide (which killed her parents), she got a scar on her right forehead. After her parents death, Rani became leader of the Night Pride and received the Night Pride mark (which is light cream in colour.) However, her blue mark on her forehead is still absent since, her grandmother, Janna was the queen of the Night Pride, during that time.
As a teenager, her grandmother, Queen Janna completed the Circle of Life, leaving the position of queen to Rani. Because of this, she became a queen prematurely as a teenager, making her have the signature blue mark on her forehead.
Young Adult[]
As a young adult, her muzzle broaden and her nose changed colors into a dark purple.
Rani is strong-willed and dutiful. She is protective of her home, the Tree of Life, as well as her family and friends. She is conscious of her position as the leader of the Night Pride and as queen, rarely showing any weakness to others. She is quite straightforward in speaking her mind and can sound harsh at times.
Rani is respectful of those whom she considers to be equal or superior to her, such as her family and teammates, both of whom she often turns to for advice and is in turn grateful to for their aid. Rani is shown to be very protective of her younger brother Baliyo, but can also be playful with him.
Beneath her strong exterior, she hides a vulnerable side of uncertainty and doubt in herself at the prospect of becoming the next queen, as she feels she's not ready yet to embrace the title. This is evident after the loss of her grandmother, Janna.
Getting to know Kion and his friends helps Rani find the self-assurance she needs to be queen, as she knows that she has her friends and family at her side. After becoming queen, Rani grows wiser and is quick to adapt to her new title, earning the respect and trust of the animals of the Tree of Life. As Rani's respect for Kion grows, she becomes more patient, humble, understanding, and less judgmental of others. Rani eventually become mates with King Kion, with her being very Prideful
When Kopa and Chumvi returned with other Night Pride lions, Rani warmly greets them back at the Tree of life, and introduced them to Kion.
Mother: Ãnanda
Father: Sãhasí
Brother: Baliyo
Mate: Kion
Daughter: Janya
Uncle: Surak
Aunt: Nirmala
Grandmother: Janna
Brother in laws: Kopa and Kovu
Sister in laws: Vitani and Kiara
Son in law: Bakari
Daughter in laws: Maua, Ishara and Akina
Mother in law: Nala
Father in law: Simba
Grandmother in law: Sarabi
Grandfather in law: Mufasa
Great Uncle in law: Scar
Great Aunt in law: Zira
-Rani’s large eyes is a trait, inherited from her great grandmother (Janna’s mother.) It allows her to see very well in the dark, better than the other Night Pride Lions.