Pumbaa is a supporting character in The Lion King: Next Generation, and appears alongside Timon.
Pumbaa is shown to be a very carefree character, yet when the time comes, he cares more about his friends. He can be very angry at times, especially if called a pig.
Physical Appearance[]
Pumbaa is a typical warthog, with red fur, a pink nose, black tailtip, shiny horns and a black mane-like fur coming down his head.
Prior to The Lion King: Next Generation[]
Pumbaa is seen with a young Simba, who tries to jump through some trees. Pumbaa and Timon try to get him down, when he leaps onto them. Later, a teen Simba pounces on Timon who tries to get away, while Pumbaa watches.
The Lion King: Next Generation[]
Pumbaa and Timon are seen alongside Simba, Zazu and Kovu, as they worry about Kidogo. The duo decide not to interfere or join in. When Akili comes in, Simba, Pumbaa and Timon tell her about Hakuna Matata for the first time, but it failed later on.
They are later seen with Kiara, Kovu and Vitani when the battle with the hyenas and Kidogo starts. Pumbaa and Timon decide to run away after coming face to face with Roho.
They are by Simba’s side as he dies and appears at Amira’s presentation.