The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Pride Rock is a magnificent rock formation on the Serengeti. It is the home of Simba's pride, notably its reigning monarchs.



Pride Rock is brownish gray in coloring. The entryway serves as the entrance and pathway to the royal den and the peak. It is located to the left of the peak and is surrounded by rocks, with a small pile of stones at its base. The ground of the entryway is made up of sand.

The peak is the promontory that extends from the base of Pride Rock. It is the area where official business is conducted, including royal announcements, presentations, coronations, and such.

The summit is the highest point on Pride Rock. It serves as a vantage point for the monarch to overlook his kingdom and its bordering territories. Royal monarchs often teach their cubs lessons here. A path encircles the peak that leads to the summit.

The royal den is the cave within Pride Rock. It serves as the official sleeping place for the monarch and his family. The rest of the lion pride is clustered at the back, while the royal family sleeps near the entrance.


  • The Lair of the Lion Guard is located in another, smaller cave inside Pride Rock. Here, the Lion Guard hangs out and discusses important matters. Paintings deck the walls.
  • Most of the pride lives and sleeps inside Pride Rock. Since the unification between Simba's pride and the Outsiders, it has become quite crowded inside when it's time for bed, so some lionesses, like Dotty, or groups of lions, like Sabini, Mega, and their children, find other places nearby where they can sleep.
  • There is no other formation known that resembles Pride Rock.
  • It's the largest non-mountain rock formation in the Pride Lands.
  • Some brief visitors to Pride Rock include Rogue and Malka.
    • During Asante's stay in Simba's pride, it's unknown if she slept inside with the lions.
  • The Majordomo of the Pride Lands also sleeps here.