The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Pride Lands Games are a series of sport-like events that take place in the Pride Lands.



The Pride Lands games were established by Simba shortly after he became king of the Pride Lands, creating the event as a fun way for animals of other lands to compete and show off.

Animals from the Tree of Life, Leopon Plains, Back Lands, South Lands, and Grass Walls compete in the Pride Lands games. Winners receive flowers or a fruit offering.

The event[]

The event has a total of five challenges:

Swimming Relay - each team must swim across Lake Shangaza as fast as they can, and whoever gets across first wins. If a team member is gently bitten by a crocodile, they are forced to start over. The next team member goes when handed a twig.

Running Relay - each member of the team must run to the end of Embamba Canyon and back. They must pass a twig to the next team member to continue the relay. Obstacles like rocks are on the path.

Stone Throw - a team member must throw a stone as far as they can into a certain area. The center of that area gives a team a maximum of three points. The first team to score ten points wins. This event takes place at Acacia Grove.

Stick Toss - team members must throw a stick at the trees. The farthest trees give five points. The first team to score twenty points wins. This event takes place at the Grove of Trees.

Wrestling - Like a Mashidano, each team must wrestle each other in a series. Each team member will face another opponent and wrestle them to the ground. If the opponent is pinned for three seconds, the standing team member wins.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

While the Lion Guard patrols Urembo Meadows, Nguruma and Amira join them, bringing news about the Pride Lands Games. They explain the event, and Kion returns to Pride Rock to learn more from Simba. His family explains more to him, and Zazu soon brings news that the Tree of Life delegation has arrived. Once they are brought to Pride Rock, both prides sleep.

The next day, all of the delegations meet at Mizimu Grove, where Simba and Rafiki announce the start of the games. Everyone heads to Lake Shangaza for the first challenge, which is the swimming relay. After each wave of team members go, the winners are announced: team Pride Lands in first, Tree of Life in second, and Leopon Plains in third.

The delegations then head to Embamba Canyon for the running relay. After that event concludes, the Pride Lands team ends up in first again, followed by the Leopon Plains team in second and the South Lands team in third. The delegations then move to Acacia Grove for the stone throw. After each team member has thrown their stones, the winners are revealed to be the South Lands in first, Grass Walls and the Pride Lands tied for second, and Leopon Plains and the Tree of Life tied for third. The delegations head to the Grove of Trees for the stick toss, which is similar to the stone throw.

When the stick toss concludes, the winners are announced to be the Leopon Plains team in first, the Grass Walls team in second, and the South Lands team in third. Finally, the delegations head to Lake Matope for the final event, the wrestling competition. Things appear to go normally up until Bunga and Okereke's matchup. Okereke begins dragging around Bunga by his leg, hurting him severely and refusing to stop on Simba's command. He is pulled off by Sarabi, and the Royal Mjuzis rush over to treat Bunga.

Meanwhile, Okereke is surrounded by Simba, Nala, Chifu, and Wimbo. Chifu demands an explanation, but Okereke simply chuckles and says it served the honey badger right. Suddenly, Makuu comes forward, mentioning earlier events involving Okereke sabotaging Bunga. Furious, Chifu demands if this is true, and the member of the Back Lands team confirms. Simba then decides to disqualify the Back Lands team, and allows Chifu and Wimbo to punish Okereke to their discretion. Mshale is instead allowed to choose the punishment, and he decides to bar his friend of all Lion Guard duties for three days. He is also barred from leaving Mirihi Forest.

Upon Kion's suggestion, Simba decides to conclude the games and announce the winner tomorrow. The Tree of Life and Leopon Plains delegations head to Pride Rock, while the Back Lands, South Lands, and Grass Walls delegations shelter in Chakula Plains with Kubariki's Clan. The next day, Simba announces the winner of the games, the Leopon Plains team, and Ajani expresses his delight about it. Kion then proceeds to congratulate Mhina on his team's win.



  • The events are heavily based off the Summer Olympics.


  1. Disqualified after Okereke attacked Bunga and disrupted the games.
  2. Heir of Grass Walls.
  3. Birthplace.
  4. Mother's homeland.
  5. Birthplace.