Poromoko Crevasse is a location in the Pride Lands.
Poromoko Crevasse is a wide crevasse that is made mostly of stone and towering cliffs. Small paths lead up the sides of the cliffs that makes for an easy way back up.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
Wildfire Emergency[]
Poromoko Crevasse is set on fire by dry lightning, and Anga and Ono, along with Ma Tembo's Herd, work together to put the wildfires out.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
After finishing a patrol in Rocky Ridge, Fuli suggests a patrol in Poromoko Crevasse, but Ono and Anga soon inform the others of Vuai needing help fighting Janja's Clan at Maji Baridi Falls, and they head over to help.