The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Pinguino is a male macaroni penguin who resides at the Tree of Life. He is the leader of his Rookery. He is also the mate of Marella and the father of Nevada and Alba.


Pinguino's feathers are navy blue on his black, flippers and his head. His chest, belly, legs and inner flippers are white. His feet and beak are reddish orange. He also have two yellow long crests on his head. His eyes are dark blue.


Pinguino is first shown to be stubborn, selfish, and rude, but later appears to have good intentions. He often exaggerates, spreading untrue rumors about Beshte and calling him "Poa the Destroyer". He seems to take pride in being a penguin and his appearance. Pinguino has shown respect for the Night Pride, the Lion Guard, and later Beshte after he saves him from a cliff.

In Long Live the Queen, it is shown that despite his rudeness, he has respect for Janna.


Mate: Marella

Daughters: Nevada and Alba
