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You are viewing the page dedicated to Pembetatu, a hornbill. You may have been looking for Pembe, an elephant with a similar name.

Pembetatu is a female hornbill. She serves as Zazu's apprentice.

Appearance []

Pembetatu is dark blue with white and gray underlining. She has yellow legs, a yellow beak, and reddish-orange eyes.


Pembetatu is wishful, though as she is young, can be overly exuberant when presented with a big task. She is a keen listener and quick to catch on to others.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Pembetatu is Zazu's new apprentice. In preparation for the Royal Summit, she flies up to Simba excitedly, shouting that she has news. Amused by her enthusiasm, he prompts her, and she reports that the Night Pride is almost at Mizimu Grove. Simba praises the hornbill and thanks her. Minutes later, Pembetatu bursts into Mizimu Grove so fast that she nearly collides with Simba, clumsily halting herself, and further amused, Simba asks her about what's going on. She reveals that the Ukweli Pride is here, and noting that everyone has arrived, Simba thanks her.

Wildfire Emergency[]

Kion mentions that Simba has received reports from both Pembetatu and Zazu of animals collapsing due to the heat.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Pembetatu is one of the many birds in Hadithi's bird army that attacks Reth's Pride at Rocky Plateau.

Trivia []

  • Pembetatu is voiced by Meghan Strange.